Chapter 2

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Sean's POV

"Well,I hope this doesn't affect how you think of me but I am... gay." I was prepared for him to criticize me and tell me to leave,But no. "Hey that's totally fine with me." I was again relieved.I then proceeded to tell him everything about Richard . How he drank and hit me. How if I messed up a little thing,he would go off on me. Mark then pulled me for a hug. "I am so sorry that you had to deal with that." I had tears in my eyes. I sniffled and he pulled back from the hug and he wiped my tears. "It is going to be ok,you are safe."

Mark's POV

I hugged him. I really felt bad for him. I thought he was sweet...and adorable. He did say he was gay. I am not going to lie,I might be a bisexual. I have went to a couple gay bars and I actually liked it. I didn't feel uncomfortable. It was kind of odd. I have dated and lost my virginity to a guy,but I have also dated girls. I only have dated like 2 guys and 4 girls. I was kind of attracted to Sean but I gave my feelings a few hours to see if it's official. I doubt he would EVER like me. I am such a nerd and a slight mess. "Here,let me show you the spare bedroom." I really didn't want to say that but I know for sure he wouldn't go to bed with me. He has been through a lot. We walked down the hall and he set his stuff down. "Do you want anything to eat? I can make you something." He looked up at me and just shook his head. "No thanks Mark,but thank you!" I nodded my head. "Ok,make yourself at home." I shut the door and left the room. I went to the kitchen to make me something to eat.

Sean's POV

I set my bag down. I layed down and just sat there. I couldn't stop thinking of Mark. He was so muscular, his hair flowed perfectly, his husky voice sent shivers down my spine. I am so glad I met him. I was so exhausted. I got up to put on some sweatpants and a shirt. I heard Mark's door open and close. I charged my phone and layed down. It was 9:30pm and I was tired. I had fallen asleep.


I woke up in my apartment. I heard Richard come down the hall and open my door. I got up and was pushed against the wall. I felt pain in my shoulders. "WHY THE FUCK IS THE LIVING ROOM A MESS?!" I had no time to respond and he punched me in the face. He kicked me in the stomach and I fell to the ground. I started crying and whimpering. He picked me up and punched me over and over again. I almost passed out. I then heard a *click* and saw a small shiny blade. I was going to get stabbed to death. He charged the blade to my stomach...


I woke up in a cold sweat. I was crying,my breath was short as I was trying to calm down. I sat up on my bed. I checked the time,it was 2:24am. I really needed to calm down. I got up and opened the door quietly. I tiptoed into the kitchen and looked for a glass. It was kind of loud and I worried that I would wake Mark.

Mark's POV

I was woken up by the sounds of clattered glasses. I was expecting Sean to get a cup of water or something. I got up from my bed and walked to the kitchen. "Hey Sean." I whispered. I saw him jump a bit. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." I giggled a bit. "It's ok Mark. I just wanted some water." I saw him fill up the glass with water. He sat down. I was staring at him like a creep. I then shook my head. No,this can't happen. I thought to myself. I saw the moonlight shined through the windows. Exposing Sean's face. His eyes were pink and puffy and he sniffled. "Are you ok Sean?" He shook his head,he seemed to be like a child. A pouty face and looking down. "I had the worst nightmare." I started rubbing his back "I'm sorry,is there anything I can do for you?" I was hoping for him to say cuddle me baby but that's not going to happen. I am such an idiot.

Sean's POV

"I am good Mark thanks." No I am not. I didn't want to be alone. I just finished the water and put the cup in the sink and went back to bed,so did Mark. "Goodnight Mark" I smiled. "Goodnight Sean" I then heard him murmur something under his breath but I couldn't make it out. I entered the room. I layed down. I shifted left to right,right to left. I couldn't fall back asleep. Mark was the only thing on my mind at the moment.

Marks POV

I had murmured sweetheart under my breath before entering my room,hoping he didn't hear me. I shut the door and went into my bed. I stared at the door as if he was going to magically appear. I was so mad at myself that I didn't tell him how I felt. I am just a big dumbass. I shut my eyes and tried to sleep. All of a sudden I hear Sean's door open again. My heart rate went up. I then heard my door open. I was so happy. He read my mind. "M-Mark?" I opened my eyes to see Sean. "I can't really sleep alone..." I smiled and didn't say anything but scooted over and moved the blankets for him to come into the bed. I saw him crawl into bed. He faced away from me for a bit. His back was toward me. I felt the blanket move as he rolled over. My eyes were closed but I felt him stare at me intently. I felt him move closer. I did the same. I opened my eyes. He was blushing a light shade of pink. I wrapped my arms around his hips and pulled him close. His head was snuggled between my neck and chest. I kissed his forehead.


I woke up the next morning. I heard Sean snoring and he was still cuddled by me. I slowly got up and went to the bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, I was proud of myself. I finally got a signal that he might like me. I just can't rush it this time, I need to be gentle. I don't want to scare him.

Sean's POV

I woke up in Mark's bed alone. I frowned a bit until I heard his door open. I turned to see him smiling. "Goodming Sunshine" I blushed as I sat up. "Good morning Markimoo. " He walked over and sat back down on the bed. "I will be right back, I am going to get my phone. " I got up and went to the spare room. I looked at my notifications. I saw that I got 50+ texts from a number I didn't know. It was just all death threats. Richard . My heart rate sped up as I read the messages. All of them just wanted me to die. I had the sudden realization that... I still had a lot of stuff at my home. I only brought clothes for a day because I was rushing. I didn't want to go back,I can't go back. I walked back into Mark's room. My face filled with anxiety. "What's wrong?" I will hear Mark asking this a lot. "I-I. We have to go back to my apartment. I only have clothes for one day. I am such an idiot." Mark scoffed. "Hey,if you were an idiot, you would have ignored me asking if you were ok. You finally got to leave that asshole." I bit my bottom lip,trying to think how I can go back without being caught. "Well,doesn't he leave for the bar at a certain time?

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