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Fie Wright's P. O. V

Snuggling into the warm embrace that consists of my bed is all that I'd wished to do today. The long day winding down after spending a few hours with my gorgeous mate being the perfect way for me to head to bed even if one part of me was drowning in sorrows that I wouldn't be sharing that said bed with him nor cuddling into him as I doze off. Instead I was left to go to my own room, to my own cold bed with a simple kiss on my forehead to get me through the night.

Oh the horror.

As annoyed as I am at the prospect of me saying I wanted to have a separate bedroom when my mate asked me, I'm more disgruntled over the fact that this is what is keeping me up at night when I should be snoring away much like my mate a door down from me. I don't actually think he does snore since I can't hear anything coming from his room but, nonetheless, my brain won't seem to just shut down so that I can have some peace and quiet.

Muffling my sigh, I don't bother checking the alarm clock since I already know it'll say something close to being one in the morning. Tossing and turning in my bed for the better part of two hours is not how I wanted my night to go. Especially considering the fact that I have to be up bright and early tomorrow for my proper first day as an accepted trainee advisor.

Willing my sleep to come to me, I close my eyes and slowly start to envision my body relaxing bit by bit while physically stopping myself from stiffening up. Maybe by the time I'm halfway, I can fall asleep. This trick usually works but I can tell I'll be having deep eye bags marring my skin tomorrow. The frown on my face is quick to come at that thought and already, then and there, has my relaxation technique gone down the drain.

Letting out a soft groan, I turn over to find another comfortable spot to settle into but instead I'm met with air. Cold, uncomfortable air that sends a chill through me even though my blanket is wrapped around me and more so entangled between my legs. A second passes before my backside reaches the floor and then the rest of my body. This time a loud moan escapes me as I lay sprawled out on the wooden flooring, breath knocked out of me as my eyes stare wide eyed at the ceiling; not being able to comprehend what exactly just happened.

Just as I start to put the pieces together that I'm not exactly in my bed but now rather on the floor, my thoughts get scattered again as I jump from fright, my head hitting the bedside table right above me. The cause of my fright being the slamming of my bedroom door against the wall as a growl resounds throughout the room.

The hair on my neck stands up as a figure looms over me. I already know who it is as anticipation runs throughout my body even though my mate is glaring down at me. Hair in a disheveled mess but eyes ablaze and full on alert. I blink up at him in slight delirium, not quite taking in what's happening so quickly as his own eyes raise up to scan the room for any potential threat before falling back down to me. My mate takes me in from head to toe, glancing at the bed and then back to me.

A sheepish smile taking over my face is all the answer Malleus needs as a sigh escapes the towering man. I put my hands underneath myself in order to sit up but they get swept out from under me as he leans down and gently picks me up. The man holding me as if I'm made out of delicate bone china.

"I thought someone broke in and attacked you." He informs me in a gravelly voice as I'm hauled tightly into his arms, his deep blue eyes staring down at me as my lips part at the sheer intensity they hold.

"I-I rolled over to far and fell out of bed." I admit with a slight blush coating my cheeks, I'm sure he already figured that one out. The head shake I get causes me to blush even more since I know it comes from slight exasperation. When he takes a step or two away from my bed, I lean out of his arms so that I can jump onto the floor and get back into bed. However, all my movements halt in place as Malleus tightens his arms around my torso and leg, not letting me thrash about.

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