Bonus: Robin The New Golden Dragon Emperor

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A/n: Just an idea that if Robin from Fire Emblem becomes the next Golden Dragon Emperor

No pov

In a void of pure darkness there was nothing that could be seen except for one thing a person was floating the void who starting to gain conciseness as this person was a young woman

In a void of pure darkness there was nothing that could be seen except for one thing a person was floating the void who starting to gain conciseness as this person was a young woman

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???: Where..... am...... I?

The woman soon gained full consciousness as she looked around but then she widen her eyes as she finally noticed that a giant golden dragon was looking down at her she soon then realized that she was in the dragon's palm as it lifted her up towards it's face it looked at her for a few moments as it tilted it's head

Dragon: Os ruoy ym wen rentrap neht?

From how it sound she guessed that the dragon was male she was now curious on what it said

Woman: W... what?

Dragon: I dias rouy ym rentrap neht!

Woman: I... can't understand you.

Dragon: TAHW *sigh* ouy teg ot eb gniddik em!

Then all of a sudden the void around them started shaking

Dragon: ti mees rouy tuoba ot ekaw pu ll'I ees fi I t'nac xif siht noitacinummoc melborp.

The dragon then set the woman down as it then started floating away as the entire void then shattered as if it was glass causing the woman to waken from her mind

Y/n pov

I was flying around in my new partner's mind trying fix things I just woke up not too long ago as I tried speaking with her but she was unable to understand what I was saying I managed to fix 85% of her mind but there was no way to restore her memory as I have found out it got messed up pretty bad I have found out something was trying to take possession of her body but was far to powerful for body to handle and plus because I was here so it must of made it more difficult

Y/n: Man whoever did this is going to regret it no one messes with my host and gets away with NO ONE!

As I was minding my own business trying to fix the damage done to my host I felt that she was fighting

Y/n: Oh hell no there is no way my partner is dying today!

I soon started to get my power to my new host as fast as possible it was going to sting for a bit but I should be able to handle it

Robin pov

I was fighting bandits with the others known as Chrom, Lissa, and Frederick and out of nowhere a bandit managed to strike and send the sword and spell tome I was using out of my hands the bandit raised their sword into the air as they were ready to strike and end me I closed my eyes and braced myself for the end but the sound of metal hitting metal was heard

Bandit: What the!?

I opened my eyes to see that there was now a golden gauntlet with a purple gem covering my arm as it stopped the bandit's killing blow then the gem in gauntlet glowed as voice spoke that came from the gauntlet itself

Gauntlet: BOOST!

Once that was said I felt huge amounts of strength sent into my body 


I had no idea what was going on but I was not going to figure it out right now as I pushed forward with my arm and sent the bandit flying into a building I then looked at the gauntlet I the shook my head as I got my sword and tome and ran towards the others as I saw Chrom who no doubt saw what I did we soon started finishing off with the added help of the Golden Gauntlet I somehow gotten as they now surrounded the Bandit Leader as he was holding a woman hostage 

Woman: Help me!

Bandit Leader: Don't come any closer or I'll cut her neck open!

Chrom: Let her go!

??? [Robin's Mind]: Hey!

Robin: Wha...

Voice [Robin's Mind]: Don't talk just listen there is no doubt in my mind that any action you guys take will end in that woman dying so here is the plan there should be enough power in that gauntlet to let you save that hostage and take care of the bandit and before you say anything think it what you want to say.

Robin [Mind]: O.. kay so what do I have to do?

Voice [Robin's Mind]: Rather simply point your hand with the gauntlet at the guy's head and concentrate if it helps image that your blowing up his head up with magical power.

I did what the voice had said was I concentrated as I could fell magic being poured into the gauntlet then all of a sudden I realized what the belonged to

Gauntlet: Dragon Laser!

Then a laser of magical energy went straight for the bandit's head killing him immediately as he was now a headless corpse that fell to the ground as the woman ran off as she thanked us as well

Lissa: Robin that was amazing not only tactics but swords sorcery and that weird magical gauntlet is there anything you can't do?

Gauntlet: Meh I'll let you know once her training is done.

Chrom, Lissa and Frederick all froze still as they heard the gauntlet speaking sentences even I was surprised 

Chrom: Did that gauntlet...... talk?

Gauntlet: Oh come on there is mages, magic, magical items, dragons hell even that sword carrying which I believe is forged from a fang of a powerful dragon.

Lissa: It's got you there brother.

Gauntlet: Also if you could refrain from calling me a it then I would appreciate that greatly anyway your all probably wondering what I am correct?

We all nod as the Gauntlet chuckles

Gauntlet: Thought so introductions are in order if titles are your thing you may know me as D/n the Dragon of Creation and Destruction.......... if not you guys can call me Y/n nice to meet you all hehe.


A/n: And done if you all want me to make this into a story of its own let me know so I can get to work on it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 16, 2020 ⏰

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