you shouldn't be here

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"don't do this to yourself, my little birdie"

"Why not, is the big bad prey gonna get me?"

She laughed bitterly a hint of cockiness in her sweet voice, his voice sending shivers of nerves down her spine, a spot of rage growing in her chest as she dared not too look at the man she's longed to see for the last four months.

since he'd decided with no care for how alone she would be without him that it was best for her own good that he went away.

The air grew thick with tension, his jaw flexing with frustration trying to find the words to say as the mind numbing silence stretched between them.

neither willing to break the silence just yet, a moment passed before the crunching of leafs broke her from her thoughts, the muscles of her back tensing awaiting the presence of his tall figure behind her, not entirely sure which form to expect to see.

the crunching of the leafs grew louder, stoping inches from her back, bracing herself she took a deep breath leveling her breathing, her shoulders shaking for a moment before she could stop herself.

her small child like face lifted over her shoulder towards him, tugging her legs underneath her, her baby blue eyes fluttering open, the breath she held caught in her throat, the sight of a blood smeared man towering above her.

staring at her intently, his grey eyes making her heart flutter, searching her face as if trying to read her very soul, searching for her every secret, the part that scared her though, was the fact that if his soft black hair escaped the tidy way he had it combed back, and he showed her his beautiful smile full of sharp teeth.

she might just give all of those secrets up of her own free will, if she hadn't known how harmless he was when he was with her she might have been afraid of the glare that she was receiving.

but she simply admired the well tailored suit that showed off every muscle of his lean arms, and the sharp jaw that mixed unusually well with his soft cheeks, and long legs, the white shirt showing through the unbuttoned jacket stretching across his chest, too bad it was now tainted with some poor souls blood.

"You look well prey, do I want to know who's blood that is?"

She asked casually as though she'd had been is this spot a thousand times asking this same thing, she noticed the clench of his jaw and ignored it, lulling her head back too see him better.

she gave him an innocent little smile like she wasn't aware she was the reason for his tension, after everything he put her through a little teasing was something he definitely deserved.

"I'm afraid you already know who's blood this is. It's yours birdie"

He gave himself a glance inspecting the ruined shirt, A low growl escaped his lips, his eyes darkening, sharp spikes pushed against his skin begging to come through from the pale soft skin of his face, the baby pink color of his lips turned dark, a deep red color taking dominance, the mix of pain in his chest and rage at her careless actions threatening to break his self control, he snarled his sharp teeth taking deep breaths barely containing himself.

"Oh, I see"

She turned away to play with the grass in front of her uninterested in his reaction, a small smile tugging on her lips, within moments she was tackled to the ground, pinned underneath the ungodly looking creature the beautiful man had turned into, claws bigger then her head pinned her shoulders to the ground.

The thumping of her heart stopped completely, not out of fear of the scaled beast that could rip her apart by getting too close.

But for fear that she might let her guard down for the beast, no matter how horrifying he may look his cool grey eyes remained the same, the hurt he tried so hard to hide from her still shining through, bright enough she almost felt bad for what she did.

"Why are you doing this ?? You know God damn well the prices that have been paid for you and you throw them all away"

he yelled into her face, getting nothing but a scowl in return.

"Did it ever cross your mind that I didn't want your fucking "gift of living" you know as well as I do what lives in that world and I don't want to be apart of it."

She spat at him her own anger coming out, shoving him roughly, to no avail, his heavy breath fanned her face the smell of death heavily lacing it.

"There was nothing for me there but pain prey, I needed to do it"

her voice was firm but the water pooling in her eyes betrayedher, the sadness in her eyes snapped prey out of his fit of rage, the beastly form slipping away leaving the beautiful man behind, clothes now ripped to a sherd, left with nothing but his under shorts, his eyes full of hurt he stood pushing himself away from her.

"I'm sorry I fucking cared then"

Turning on his heels as fast as he had appeared he was gone leaving no trace of himself aside from the torn clothes and the crying girl who lay on the ground, wondering why she couldn't do anything right, no matter where she went, she'd always ruin something.

"I don't need him anyway, all i need is myself" 

She told herself pushing off the ground wiping her tears away with the back of her hand.

Not long after he left the sounds came back, birds sang, large animals howled in the distance, but what caught Maddie's attention was the unusually high pitched whine of the winged monkey that hung side ways off a large tree a little ways in the distance.

Carefully not to disturb the animals she wove her way through branches and over moss hills.

The land gradually growing less green, the atmosphere growing darker and quieter.

Stepping over the peak of a fallen tree, her footing slips from beneath her, a wave of dizzyness blurring her vision, thumping to the ground beneath the tree,  she lays there for a moment steadying her breath.

Brushing her hair from her face she Huff's in frustration, the whining of the monkey stopped upon the commotion she pushes herself up to check and see it's still there, her eyes meeting the silent monkeys that still hung from the same spot.

A confused look on its face at the stranger, inching forward she carefully steps forward to not scare it away.

"Come here little guy"

She cooed reaching out to the small creature, her kindness returned with a cheerful squeal followed by a small flame from the small creature flapping it's wings at her.
"You're certainly an odd thing now aren't you"
She cooed again picking it up to hold.

Prey passed the floors of his Chambers deep in thought, the monster in him still on edge after the earlier encounter.

"She can't fucking stay here"

"What will we do with her then prey???"

"I don't know yet, but she isn't safe....for us or herself"


Le coo

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2020 ⏰

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