All for Seokjin Part 1

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You walked by the gym pool listening to Hitman Bang. Waiting for the time to hit 8am for your morning aerobics class. You had 45 minutes left, having rushed over to your collage campus to get a close parking space.

Your phone vibrated indicating a text message from your friend Yuri saying she wasn't going to come to this class as she decided to study for an astrology exam later for that day.

You internally screamed for a moment at the thought of not having your friend while you repeatedly stepped on blocks while listening to "We are Bullet Proof pt. 2".

As you turned a corner you decided to wander inside the gymnasium. You peeked through the doors to see a couple of guys throwing the ball around. You were about to continue walking when you saw your crush Kim Seokjin. You internally sighed thinking about how beautiful he is. Broad shoulders on display as he threw the ball back to his friends. You knew nothing about Seokjin. Besides his name which you happen to catch on orientation day. However, one thing you were certain about was his body. The way he talked, the way he used over exaggerated hand gestures. The line of his legs. His broad shoulders. His rosy lips, and the playful glint in his eyes. The genuine happiness of seeing how his friends all laughed at what he was saying. You saw his eyes close with laughter, and the way his face became red as he pretended to be offended.

As you imagined your hands trailing through his soft brown hair, your eyes lingered to his eyes only to have him staring back at you. Your eyes widen in shock and you quickly moved out of the door way. You felt your face heat up and you ran away as far as you can. You find yourself in a bathroom stall that was next to the gym. You took cover in there for a while as you catched your breath.

You never thought you would be in a situation where you are viewed as a wirdeo. Why did you run? You should have just casually smiled or nodded and retuned walking as if you were lost or looking for someone else. Gosh, he probably thinks you are a freak. But you're sure he possibly didn't see all of you.

As you finally got courage to exit the bathroom you walked out. I mean there's no way he would be outside waiting for you, right?

And sure enough, he wasn't waiting for you. This twisted love story you were hoping for does not exist. Honesty you expected him to be waiting for you outside, expected some love story in which he is leaning against the wall and ask you what you are doing as he tilts his head and a smirk appears on his flawless face. Defeated you walked out of the building.

You first saw Seokjin in your college orientation of your freshman year. You sat next to him during the lunch break. He was so focused on eating that he never noticed you staring right at him. The way he filed up his cheeks as he ate and laughed with his friends siting next to him, friends you later find out are Jung Hoseok and Kim Namjoon. You were alone that day, as your friends went to other schools. And the only people you knew had orientation on a different day. You picked up his name by peeking at his packet sheet. He was an acting major. His name Kim Seokjin.

You never saw him again despite you attempt of trying to casually pass him by the theater department. It wasn't until the beginning of this year, of your junior year, that you saw him again. You were sitting at the library typing away on an essay when someone sat next to you. You didn't pay the person any attention as you were so engrossed and on a roll on your paper. It wasn't until you felt burnt out that you decided to go home. You tucked your laptop away and stood up to see the boy next to you. He looked familiar. He looked up and gave you a casual smile, you retuned it and rushed away. As you were walking thinking of the boys stunning smile, despite that it was closed lip and shy, it was so bright and memorizing. Then you realized it was Hoseok. You didn't know his name then, but you remembered him.

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