All for Seokjin Part 2

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Yes, it's true. Here you are in the passenger seat while Seokjin drives you to the forest.

You felt like a princess when you took his hand in front of all those people. Seokjin squeezed your hand before scurrying off gleefully to pack a second backpack for you.

You heard snickers in the room, so you quickly dropped your hand to the side when you came back to reality. You stood there for a moment fighting the urge to hug your hand and caress it onto your face.

The room was silent until Yoongi spoke up. Being the one who invited you, he felt responsible for you.

"Hey __-" He began

But you quickly cut him off not wanting anyone to destroy this perfect (and ridiculous) opportunity.

"This is such a great opportunity for me" You plastered on a grand smile on your face. "I'm so happy"

You didn't bother to sweep the room knowing they were probably giving you looks that will crush the courage you had in you. You did however hear Taehyung laugh saying, "It's like a dreams come true!".

Thankfully Seokjin came out carrying two backpacks. "Here" he said panting, " the supplies you'll need are all right there".

Scoffs, snickers, laughter, whispers, and every other noise that a pack of young adults and a high schooler could do in times of amusement and pity were heard.

And out the door you went with him. You placed the bag on the back seats of his black pickup truck. Expecting him to be watching you, you gracefully sat yourself on the seat and bucked your seatbelt as you imagined a swan would. You turned your head towards him with a small smile.

Even if this "activity" was odd you still had to use this opportunity and milk it for all its worth.

However, Seokjin was happily munching away on a granola bar as he scrolled through his phone.

You felt the vibrations of your phone in your back pocket. Already knowing it was probably everyone telling you to go back, you decided to put your phone. You didn't need any distractions. You did however pit your location on, you know just in case.

"Alright'', he said loudly not caring that it was close to midnight by now, "Let's get going..." he stopped and eyed you warily as you gave him your coy smile"... partner" he hesitated.

Wow, partner? What does that mean? Is that a "Howdy Partner!" or a love partner. Nonetheless you knew you had to respond before you both end up in an awkward silence.

"Yes Seokjin...or err partner" you repeated his nickname and watched as he blushed turning his head. Yeah you did that. You smiled proudly at yourself and counted to ramble on about your interest in extraterrestrial life. Earning a chuckle or two when you mentioned how you first begin your interest after watching History's channel, Ancient Aliens. He laughed and shook his head as if indicating what an amateur and naïve beginners' step that was. You continued your monologue and spoke of how you wished they were nice and would teach humanity and help us in advancement. At this Seokjin also laughed and looked at you with a smile on his face.

Were these good signs? you thought to yourself. So you continued to ramble on about peace and prosperity.

Once you've both got off the highway and started to drive towards broken paved roads with no streetlights you began to feel uneasy. The darkens suddenly scared you a little. Once you took a breath from your rambling you realized you didn't even let him say anything besides, "really" and "oh".

"You know... partner" Seokjin begin eyeing you as he started to slow down on the uneven road path headered towards the forest. "Once we enter the forest you can't talk anymore. Only speak if It's necessary, okay?".

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