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Naruto kept his eyes peeled as he guarded the bridge workers. He didnt know why, but he could feel something at the edge of his senses. Just out of his reach.

His katana appeared in his hand in response to his anxiousness and he drew deeply on the power of Hermes and Styx to jumpstart his strength and speed.

Are you okay, Naruto? Sky's voice made him flinch. "I'm fine, just uneasy. Something isnt right..."


Arashi smiled to himself as he trained Sasuke. The Uchiha might be weaker than him, but his taijutsu skills were impressive and he did find himself learning a bit.

Arashi ducked inside one of Sasuke's punches and threw an elbow into his face, cutting his eyebrow and getting blood in his eye. Arashi went to press his advantage, but Shisui stopped him and went to help Sasuke.

Arashi seethed as he watched his teammate wince and get a bandage from Sakura, "Thanks beautiful, maybe after all this we could go out on a date back in the village? Need a weekend girlfriend."

"Oh Sasuke-kun, I'd love-," she paused suddenly, "A weekend girlfriend?"

He nodded, "Sure, I'm with Ino Monday through Wednesday, and a civilian girl name Ary Kabenaka Thursday and Friday. You'd be the perfect weekend girlfriend."

She stood suddenly, face turning red, and marched off. He looked over at Arashi and was about to ask what he'd said that was so bad when he caught the look in Arashi's eye. It was gone in an instant, replaced with a small grin, "Not a bad spar, Sasuke, maybe next time slip the elbow and go for an uppercut."

"Yeah," Sasuke rubbed the bandage absently, "Uh, thanks Arashi..."

The dark haired Uzumaki waved him off, "Anytime."


Naruto strolled through the halls of the crimson vault, noting how the paths were starting to diverge and fork with door down either hall, meaning there were likely doors he couldn't get and some that would differ completely from Emiya, "Just how big is this place?" He asked himself.

Finally, he found a door that resonated with him.

It was tall and blood red, with a dark green eye symbol.

He pushed it open and found a room with a single person surrounded by Pillars of Stone. The man wore a dark cloak and had bright green eyes with slit pupils.

He grinned at Naruto, "Here to earn Nyx Eye? It's been a while since we had a challenger."

Naruto stepped into the room, and the young man stepped forward. Suddenly, there were three of him, all wielding bows.

Naruto's eyes widened as they separated, and each knocked an arrow and took aim.

In a split second, he summoned his katana and drew deeply on his power to slow time to a crawl. It barely helped. All three arrows flew at him at once so fast he couldn't track.

Luck is the only reason he didn't take an arrow to center mass.

He wildly blocked one with the flat of his blade, and when the other two hit him, they passed right through without touching him.

"Very nice!" The man called, then there were six of him, "how long can you keep it up? Five minutes? Longer? Hit me to get the Nyx Eyes."

Naruto tried for hours to land a hit, but either he'd hit an illusion, or an arrow would hit him. Sometimes, he could block, and he was getting better and deflecting them, but he still had a few bloody holes and cuts along his body.

Six versions of this guy all knocked arrows, talking at random points to distract him, Naruto was pretty sure he'd even heard one fart.

"Any ideas, Sky?" Naruto asked the ring on his finger.

His advisor was silent for a beat, "I don't know, I can't tell which one is real either, I-..."

Arrows flew towards him.

Naruto tensed, working his senses. The illusions were so real. How could he figure it out. Then he saw something strange just as pain lanced through his right leg as an arrow struck him.

One of the copies drew an arrow from his back, and the others had been just creating arrows. This was the first time he'd seen that. It was so quick he'd nearly missed it.

Yellow lightning crackled down his arm, and he hurled a kunai at super speed.


Arashi grinned down at the construction worker he'd pinned to the ground. The man was crying but not screaming. He'd made sure to cut his vocal cords before starting, couldn't have someone interupt after all.

This is foolish. If you continue your habits out here they could trace the killings back to you.

"Then I suggest teaching me something to get rid of the body." Arashi told him, then drew his dagger from his pouch.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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