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richie's pov

"come on eddie spaghetti it's not that scary," i pleaded with the small boy as we sat on my living room couch.

"rich, you know i don't like horror movies," eddie whined softly. i smirked softly at the sweet boy.

"don't worry eds i'll protect you," i winked at him.

i knew eddie long enough to know exactly what frightened him, and this movie may have pushed it a bit but the second he jumped and curled into my arms i knew it was worth it.

"r-rich i'm scared," he whimpered.

"don't worry eds, i've got you," i soothed as i pulled the small boy onto my lap and snuggled him to my chest.


time skip (next day)

the rest of the losers club have presented by now, excluding me and eddie.

bev, mike, and stan being alphas, while ben and bill presented as omegas.

bev and ben were already together and discovered they were mates, and mike and stan are busy trying to court bill, while he continues to play hard to get.

i already knew how eddie was gonna present, it was plain as day. eddie was the most submissive person i've ever met.

and i swear to all things holy if eddie isn't my mate i may just have to sue someone.

we were now in our senior year of high school and i should be presenting any day now. and from the scene playing in front of me i can assume that day is gonna be today.

3rd person pov

the utterly deep alpha roar that left richie's lips shook the halls as the usual jokester of the school was now ferociously pushing through students in the crowded school halls. his eyes were now a crimson red as he saw the idiotic beta surrounding the poor defenseless omega, his omega.

"step the fuck back henry," his voice rumbled and the beta's head shot up in fear as he heard richie's inner alpha speaking. "before i have to beat your ass for hurting my omega."

eddie's pov (before richie arrived)

the hallways were quiet as i walked to my first period. i was alone in the halls, which wasn't normal as richie usually walked me to my classes since we shared most of them, but he was late this morning and called apologizing saying his alarm didn't wake him on time.

as i approached the door of my english classroom i heard a too familiar voice from behind me.

"well, well, well if it isn't little wheezy! all alone are ya? that "alpha" got tired of you that fast! that's pretty impressive omega." henry snarled pinning the small boy up against a locker.

eddie didn't really comprehend what was happening until it was too late. once henry's words settled in his brain it was like a switch was flipped. and right there, in the middle of the hallway in front of his childhood bullies, eddie kaspbrak presented right in henry's grasp. the now, omega pheromones, drafted through the hallways as eddie burst into tears.

all eddie wanted in his life was to be able to please his future alpha, as he knew how he would present just as everyone else had known. he didn't know how he would cope if his alpha was to abandon him. he already felt like a disappointment and he didn't even know if richie was his mate yet. but just the thought of disappointing an alpha, which he knew richie would be, was enough to crush the small boy. he felt like a burden, a stupid worthless omega. which he'd convinced himself for the last five years that he would be. he just continued to cry as the bully hit, kicked, and punched every part of his body he could reach. henry kept up the assault until the hallways rumbled with the fierce growl that could only have been produced by an outraged alpha. eddie whimpered submissively and tuned out everyone as he bared his neck out of instinct. he knew richie had presented, and was now mad at him for being a bad omega, he was sure of it. so eddie continued to lay on the cold, bloody tiles and sob as he thought of the alpha being angry with him.

yet in reality it was the exact opposite.

3rd person pov

richie was fuming. never in his life had he been so angry. that damn beta had the audacity to hurt his omega.

"who the fuck do you think you are? laying your nasty ass hands on my omega huh?" richie taunted as he continued to stalk towards the now shaking beta.

"i-i i didn't know he was cl-claimed." the bully struggled to make up an excuse for his behavior.

"so that means if he wasn't claimed you could hurt him all you wanted? is that any way to be treating an omega? you should be lucky eds is here or else i'd rip you limb by limb, do you understand?" henry nodded frantically.

"i said, do you understand?" richie barked, his alpha side taking control momentarily.

"i-i u-understand!" the boy nervously whispered as he fled the hallway.

richie couldn't stand it, he hated more than anything, people abusing their rank and hurting those below them. he strongly believed, as any good alpha would, that everyone is to be treated with the same amount of respect no matter what or who they are.

"oh baby, poor little thing!" richie cried running and scooping up the omega into his arms and cradling him to his muscular chest.

"eddiebear, please sweetpea, look at me. i'm here now sweet boy, henry won't hurt you ever again." the alpha practically attacked the small boy with sweet praises as he carried him off into an empty classroom where they could have some privacy.

"b-b-bad. b-bad o-omega. sorry a-alpha s-sir! d-didn't mean to be b-bad!" the sobbing boy cried into richie's chest and whimpered as the tall boy pulled away slightly to look down at him.

"oh pup don't you worry your pretty little head. you are the best omega, perfect mate for me baby. forever and always. i love you eddie spaghetti." richie reassured his mate sincerely.

and that was the day richie found out he wouldn't have to be suing anyone anytime soon.

leave requests for future oneshots! sorry for not updating in so long i worked really hard on this and loved the concept. i promise i will try to update more frequently. love you guys!

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