Chapter 21

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Diya's Pov

We all sat in the living room ready to hear dad's explanation . I held in my breath as dad started.

"Its was around 23 years ago when we  went to New York for a family vacation. Me, my wife and our son. As we finished our vacation and was ready to came back we met a man. His name was Greyson, he had a little girl with him who was only a year and a half old. His daughter. He told us that he heard our conversation at a restaurant about how our son wants a little sister but my wife couldn't conceive anymore babies.
He told us that he had cancer and was there in New York to to gave his daughter up for adoption. He said that the couple who was going to adopt his daughter refused at last minute and he didn't had much time left. He asked us to adopt his daughter . My son was very fascinated with the little girl and watching him playing with her so affectionately warm our heart. So we agreed but we told him that we had a flight to catch and adoption will take time. But he said he was already  prepared just needed to make few changes. After that we all went to the court and in few hours we were parents to a little girl. " He said with a distant look and small smile on his face.

"That little girl was you Diya " he said looking at me.

"We didn't told you anything because we thought it wasn't necessary. The only parental figure you had gave you  up for adoption so we thought their was no need to tell you and break your heart. We whole heartedly accepted you as ours. I am sorry I didn't told you about it earlier." Mom said as tears flowed from her eyes.

"Hey...hey mom shhh....its ok i forgive you guys. I know you guys did this for my well being and i am not upset with you. Its ok mom please don't cry." I said to mom hugging her tightly. Then I turn to dad to saw him trying to hide his tears.

"Oh dad!!..." I said and hugged him as well

"We are sorry princess , we should have told you " he said

"Its ok dad i know you hide it from me because it would have hurt me and i promise i am not angry with anyone of you" i said and hugged mom and dad together.

After few minutes of hugging session mom and dad calm down.

"But i don't understand how come you guys are biologically connected? And if you are her family then who was that man who give her up for adoption? And how come no one came to look for her?" Dad asked confused

"I will explain that " said dad (steven)

"We live in London and i have a very big empire and because i am rich we also have some enemies. One day i came to know that my enemies have exploded my warehouse , i went there in hurry and were able to catch the culprits but that was all a trap . That day my eldest son Leo was there with bella , my other sons were out because they a had a match. I didn't thought much as i had high security but we came to know that my head security guard had joined hands with my enemy. When i was at warehouse asking those culprits questions , that security guard attacked Leo from behind and let my enemies man in Bella's room but luckily we had a maid who came back to take her coat which she forgot and she saw everything. When my enemy informed me about his plans of kidnapping bella i immediately called my son who didn't  pickup my call so i called the landline . After few rings when no body picked the call , i got worried and was coming back home when i got a call . I picked up and it was the maid she told me how my head security guard attacked leo and that their was a man in Bella's room. I told her to anyhow protect my Bella. She was somehow able to tied the guard to the chair and but she was late in protecting my bella . When she reached her room the man jumped from the window in her room with her still in his arms." Dad (steven) explain with blank face. All my brothers also have blank face as well.

"When i reached home Leo was unconscious and Bella was gone. We tried everything to find her but couldn't after and 23 years when my man came to me informing me that he saw my daughter. I wasn't sure if he was telling the truth because in these 23 years many people came to me telling me that they found my daughter but everytime it came out negative. But when my son came in my office and told me he also saw our baby i just can't sit without doing anything so i ask my man to follow her and do something so that we can do the dna test without her knowing. And we were able to get some of her hair sample and when the results came out we were so happy that we finally found our babygirl." Dad said with a wide smile so i went to him and hugged him.

"We came here because we thought we finally found her kidnappers but with your story we still have no clue who was the man that kidnapped her from us." Dad said angrily.

"I will just say let the past remain in the past. I am not saying that forget that man i am just saying that now that you have found your daughter you should cherish the time with her instead of wasting it in finding a faceless man." Dad said

Dad (steven) thought for a second then nodded his head.

"You're right i will not waste anymore second staying away from my daughter" dad said

" you have found your family are...are you ... I mean are you going to leave us ?" Asked mom with teary gaze. She was sitting silent throughout the conversation that even i forgot that she was also here.

"  no mom i am not leaving you. Whatever happened it wasn't your fault . You guys will remain my mom and dad. I have looked up at you from the childhood as my parents and i will still do that nothing can change it. You guys was my family and always will. And i am not leaving you guys. Please mom don't cry" i said to mom hugging her tightly as she sobbed in my arms .

"Shhh.... its ok mom its ok ....calm down" i said as her sobbing turned to hiccups .

After few minutes mom calm down and i told everyone to rest for a bit as everyone was tired with the long flight.i told bro to show everyone their rooms while i took mom and dad to their room and kissed mom on her head as she lay on the bed.

"Don't worry mom everything will be ok. I promise" i told her  then hugged dad as well.

After that i went to dad's room (steven) and saw him sitting on a bed in deep thoughts.

"Hey dad are you ok?" I asked him sitting beside him.

"Yes sweetheart i am fine " he said and gave me a smile but still looked distracted.

"Dad you know you can tell me anything right? What are you thinking ?" I asked him dad sighed

"Princess .... Do you not want to come back with us? Do you want to stay here?" Asked dad

"What are you talking dad ofcourse i want to stay with you guys. Why are you asking these questions?" I asked him

"Because just a few minutes ago you told your adoptive family that you will never leave them but what about us princess?" He asked me frustratingly.

"Dad i ... I didn't mean it like that... I mean we will find a solution for this i promise. You know I can't just leave them just because i found you guys. They are also my family. I am standing in front of you today its all because of them and you know it. Just please give me few days and i am sure i will come up with a solution. " I asked him .

"Fine princess but you have only 2 days to come up with a solution and if you couldn't find any solution then you are coming with us . Okay? " He asked me.

"Okay..." I replied after few minutes. I will surely come up with a plan in 2 days. I have to.....

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