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Name: Takashi Ashlyn
Current age: 15
Quirk: Demon
She can do whatever a demon can, such as, poses others, teleport, use hell fire, and summon other demons. (really powerful if she trains hard enough) If used too much she gets burned and/or demons can poses her if she is weak enough at that point.

Father: Yakunan Takashi (pro hero, only known by little)
Mother: Yami Takashi (Pro hero, only known by little)
Brother: Kai Takashi Age: 13
Sister: Emiko Takashi Age: 10

Authors note♡:
Alright that's all for now, but I'll post more probably tomorrow cuz it is like 2 Am and I promised I would try and sleep tonight, have a good night or day Ūwū ♡♡

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