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It was 7:20 in the morning, the sky glistened and the sun burned into my eyes, making me shut them immediately. I looked over at the man who I had been with for so long, he was still sleep. I was so grateful for him, I got to do what I enjoyed and he had to make money doing boring corporate stuff.

It was March 18, It was a pretty sunny day it wasn't hot though, the sky was full of clouds but not the gloomy grey ones, the sky was filled with those puffy cotton candy clouds. I didn't want to get up, but I knew I would have to. I sat up, my back stiff from the mattress. I glanced at Minjun and smiled. He always looked so content when he was sleeping.

I stretched my arms long and wide, before finally standing up- wobbling a bit, but still determined to make breakfast before having to head off to work.

I cracked one egg carefully, slowly watching the yolk slide out of the shell and into the glass bowl. I had to examine the bowl carefully to make sure no type of shell had infiltrated the meal. I threw the bowl of eggs on a skillet, and stirred consistently to develop some type of scrambled egg. The diet I was on was exhausting, and I was always hungry it was okay though, It's important to stay in shape.

I heard a noise behind me, and turned around to see Jaejin. 

"Good morning, Irene." He said, rubbing his eyes with his palm. He had pretty brown hair and his eyes were a nice brown. He was really easy on the eyes and his financial status made him a lot more attractive.

"Good morning sweet pea, I'm making some breakfast if you want any?" I said, tilting my head towards the skillet.

"Nah, I have to hurry and get to the office." He responded by giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I pouted in response, "You need at least a cup of coffee, here." I said, pouring a mug of black coffee and handing him it. 

He gave me a warm smile, and took the mug- setting it on the table, and disappearing into the back room before appearing with his toothbrush.

I returned my gaze to the skillet. My life was really peaceful I thought about it, my head full of thoughts about how we were financial stable. I had a wonderful job as a florist, and a loving family. I put some of the scrambled eggs on a plate, along with a piece of toast.

Jaejin sat in the chair across from me, he was in his black blazer and red tie. He picked up the mug of coffee, and smiled at me.

"So, I was thinking of starting my own florist company. I could even try to grow my own flowers." I was excited, and it showed in my voice.

Jaejin raised an eyebrow, and took a sip of the coffee. "Tell me more."

"I feel so trapped under my boss, I love my job, but she's so controlling.. I feel like I can't truly have fun as long as I'm under her.."

"What exactly is she doing?"

"Well.. Um.." I remained quiet, picking at my food. I shouldn't have mentioned her. Jaejin was friendly to me. He was a very powerful business man, and I didn't want him to do anything that would hurt her, financially.

"Irene, I asked you a question and If you know what's good for you, you'd better answer it." He said.

I was nervous, my instinct was to lie. "Well, she always makes me put pink flowers with orange and that's just totally tacky." I said, my eyes darting around before quickly looking down at my food.

"Hm." he said, before putting his cup down on the table and giving me a quick peck on the cheek. "I'll see you at 10."

"10?" I said in surprise, that was late.

"Yeah, overseas meeting." He said, before walking out the door.

Soon I was left alone, and it was my turn to go to work. I quickly got dressed and put my hair up in a tight ponytail.



"He's not back yet." I murmured to myself, I was panicking a bit. Could he have been hurt? What could he be doing. My mind filled up with the worst possibilities.

The knock on the door swiftly interrupted my thoughts, and I was curious on why he wasn't using his key. The knocks got harder, and faster.. (a/n: get out of the comments.)

"I'm coming!" I said, before opening the door to be met with a girl who looked like she hadn't slept in years. She was only wearing a ripped up rag, and she was breathing heavy.

"Please! Help me! He's coming!!" She said, in a seemingly panic.

"Who's coming?" I said, too much was going on. I was too scared to check behind the girl.

"HIM! PLEASE LET ME IN." She got her knees and pleaded, and I grabbed her hands trying to stop her from pleading.

"Get off the floor! Please just come in!" I hurried her in, before shutting the door.

"Thank you so much." She said, her breaths still small and separate. I looked at the girl, she was visibly.. I don't know how to put this, so I'll just say broken.

The girl just stood there, in awe looking around my house.

"Go head in the shower, and we need to discuss what exactly is going on."

"Okay, thank you so much."

"What's your name?"

"Seulgi... May I know yours if that's okay?"



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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