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I sat In my office bored as I could be. I haven't had a mission for the longest time..
My last mission I had to be a monkey and find the secret to bananas.

Wonder what my next mission will be.

I looked up at the speaker"Sorry for the interruption but will Nikko Indigo please come to my office"My eyes went wide. Why did THE BOSS need me? The people around me just stared at me when I slowly got up from my office chair and went to the office.  I stopped at the huge black door in front of me I swallowed a huge lump in my throat knocked on the door with the secret rhythm that was assigned to me when I started working here
"Come in" I heard a deep voice from behind the door I open the door with a shaky hand "Y-yes boss w-what c-can I do for Y-you "" calm down kid you're here to get your new mission" I took a deep breathe " REALLY WHAT DO I HAVE I'M SO EXCITED "The boss shakes his head " oh nikko you are so innocent" he mumbled under his breath He looks down at me " OK for this mission you will be a braclet with one of the 8th grade students every time they put a bead on you go to a new place this way you will learn the water cycle for us and to be said you are now a rain droplet" He pulled out his book of magic I lifted my hand up into the air " Nikko este acum o picătură de apă"

I looked around me  "Where am I...." Woah!"Is this a R-river "I looked around I was moving by the water flow it was amazing Then something weird started to happen There was a fish........many fish they were coming at me Oh no oh no oh no oh no oh no I stood there frozen the fish just keep going right over my and going up the stream Up the stream?"Are they dumb there not going to make it " I thought But some did I watched and some failed and some didn't it was so magical But the next thing I know i'm somewhere else"Where am I" I said out loud
I expected to have no answer but there was out of the darkness appears a huge fish " the humans up above call this place lake superior but I just call it my home , my name is Duke Duke the northern" I smiled at him " you must be new here or you're just in my imagination because I can't see you fully are you a water droplet or something" he said " yup just here chill in for a little bit I might be back though " I said " so your not in my imagination then, what's your name " " Nikko " i said " interesting name looking forward to talking to you ago but I go to go it's dinner time at my place " he said while swimming away " FRIENDS" i yelled to him I heard a faint " friends " from the distance Then everything went black again the only thing is that nothing changed except WOAH I'M A FISH. I looked at my amazing fins ok good i'm still a she. I saw this one movie where a dog came back as different dogs and different genders. It was one of the most beautiful things I have seen in my life . I was really enjoying my time as a fish in L-Lauke Superior place did I say it right? I questioned myself. Hmmm I don't know it looks like "it's getting late I think it's time for the new place" I said   

Here we go again i'm in a new place even though I really enjoyed L-auke's superior place. I looked around. Oh no oh no oh no not this place again it's the same place where  the dumb fish where going up stream. I'm a fish now, maybe I can give it a try. I backed up looking at the huge waterfall in front of me. Here goes nothing . I swam as fast as I could to the stream and jumped on different rocks like I saw the other fish do before. I reached the top. " I MADE IT OH YA OH YA " I practically screamed  and made my happy face. I learned something so far that nothing is impossible . I looked around this might be the last time I come here so I need to do something about it. I took a small pebble in my mouth and carried it to the side of the water and through it on the land as far as I could so if a human finds it they can watch the other fish all day and bring home something from the fish. Here we go again. This pace is oh to familiarize it's lake superior. I looked around and it seems to be day time now. " Welp, I'm back in  this place, mind as well look around '" I said out loud to no one . " Oh that voice is to familiar " I heard a voice say " DUKE" I say when he came into view he had a surprised look on his face " Y-your a fish  he said. " ya I've always been a fish" he looked at me blankly " NO seriously you're freaking me out nakkio no fish can be just a vice and now a fish" he says I smile at him " all I can say is i'm amazing " I say with a smile. We swam around the lake I learned he was one of the most  funniest people ever. When night hit I was about to  say goodbye . But I never disappeared I stayed there. I smiled to myself. " do you have a place to stay?" he asked. I thought about the question. I didn't but I'm usually telephoning all night so Idk what happens when I don't teleport. Last time I went to a different part of the ocean but still I haven't happened for Lake superior. SO i said " ya I do thank you for asking though" he smiled at me and said" I will see you tomorrow " "sure " I said then started to go find a cave part of the hotel.. I continued walking until I felt someone pull  my fin I turned around and out of no ware Duke hugged me and I smiled. I think it would be amazing to stay a fish forever ( that was a sentence for the fish bead). I stayed in lake superior for 3 days after that incident. It's been a little awkward now a days. We are still friends but it's awkward because he hugged me. But one night it was the last night there sadly I everything went dark that day and now I'm in a new place .

I looked around woah . This was beautiful. It looked bigger than lake superior and because I'm a fish now I can tell the waters differently. It's harder to breathe here and it's definitely interesting,salty like the french fries I had once up in my office. I started swimming around this place is huge though. It's like a black room that won't stop. It's been so long since I got here. I looked up at the sky by what the moon says it's almost 9:00 pm ALREADY! I think this place is starting to make me insane. Hopefully I get out of this place before I do.  I waited and waited until night hit like when I usually teleport away. But I didn't so I found a place to sleep and went to bed. The next morning I started to adventure around. " this place is really going to make me insane" I said out loud by accident. "Ya I can see why you would think that '' said a voice  I didn't recognize "hello" I said scared as I looked around me. "  You're not the smartest little fish," I heard the voice say again. This time I looked above me there was a gigantic shark.  I started to shake " oh is the little fishy scared" the shark said coming closer. I didn't answer it . " hmmm any last words little fish I did enjoy your company but I have to cut it short " the shark came closer to me .
I swallowed a giant lump in my throat and said " 3.14 is pie and I really like pie do you like pie " I said to the shark they looked confused " interesting last words but no I don't like pie I like other little fish" he said

Everything went dark when I opened my eyes again I was a water droplet again but this time I was in the clouds
Clouds are part of the water cycle? I thought they were made up of marshmallows 
We learn something new everyday, don't we the day here went quick because I practically sleep the whole time because we just have to wait until the cloud is filled.

I waited and waited and waited until the final person came on the cloud.
I'm so excited . At once we all start to fall. I look around where I'm falling to and it's the ocean. The place that makes me insane and I also died here.
I wonder what it would be like if I went to lake superior again( reference for the lake superior beed)

I wonder if I will be able to see my amazing friend again. I stayed in the ocean for a couple days and looking around I learned more about the life cycle and the water cycle.
One year later.....

It's been one year and I got to research more on the life cycle. I gave a giant presentation to the boss and Included what I learned about the life cycle. He was really impressed. But now I get to just sit around in my office and wait


" Sorry for the interruption can Nikko please come to my office." I heard over the speaker.


I speed walk all the way to the giant red door I'm not scared of the boss anymore.He's not so scary when you get to know him. I knocked my secret pattern and stepped back.


I heard him say I slowly open the door to his office and turned my back to him to shut the door.

" I have a missio-" I said turning around but the boss wasn't alone.

" hey Niko." the person said by him I recognize that voice. 
I stood there frozen though
This is awkward........ 
The boss looked at me and back at Duke. 
" you know each other weren't you a fish before." the boss asked Duke.
" yes sir we meet at her last mission I think."

He turned back to me. 
" so you not a voice in my head." he laughed

" I said I had my ways." I said

He opened his arms and I ran towards him and hugged him really tight 
"Are we still friends ." I asked

" friends." he said 
The end


Ok I know this was a little rushed but I hope you enjoyed this short story . Do you ship Nikko and Duke ?

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