Dean Imagine

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You're new to town. You don't know anyone. Then out of nowhere this beautiful man came and swept you off your feet. Not knowing how truly evil he was. 
Your newfound friend was a demon. His real name was Romera. But you know him as Frankie. Sam and Dean Winchester had been tracking "Frankie" for six months. His M.O. was swoon a girl off her feet for a month up to four at the most so far.  
You though had known "Frankie" before you all had gone out for at least a month.  He came by the diner you worked at almost every single night. You were falling in love so fast your head would literally spin when he came around. 
Recently you noticed he was acting differently. He was disappearing for sometimes two days. He had become cold and distant. But you thought you were overreacting. Till the two FBI agents showed up at the diner. 
You watch them as they set down at one of your tables. One was very tall, one was not short but looked short next to the man with him. After watching them sit down you make your way over towards the two. 
"What can i get you guys today?" you asked with your tip smale as you like to call it. The shorter one looked up at you then kind of did a double-take. 
"Well, I'd like a piece of pie, some coffee, and," you raise your eyebrows trying to rush him up knowing you don't have all day to mess with an arrogant man. 
"Your number. Cupcake" You take a deep breath then count to ten. while you do that you hear his friend telling him to shut it. 
"Wait uh," he takes a brief glance at your name tag. "Y/N, did you just count to ten?" He asked you while laughing very annoyingly. 
You look at him and reply with a sweet smile. 
"It was either that or go to jail for kicking your slimy ass in the throat. Hopefully causing that casanova crap to disappear. My names, not fricking cupcake, dick. Now are yall gonna order or you just gonna waste my time all damn day? " you snap causing the tall one to sit up straight trying to get his friend to just stop. 
But his friend would not stop. 
"Your a mean girl i love it." you watched him clap his hands like a child. You decide to just completely ignore the jackass. 
"Do you need anything or not?" you asked getting irritated keeping eye contact with the tall one. He cleared his throat grabbing something from his coat pocket. 
"Yes, um I'm FBI agent Malone and that's my partner agent holland." They show their badges you still ignore Holland.  You stay quiet while you wait for him to get to the point. He opens a folder pulling out a picture. 
"Do you know this man. He's wanted for questioning on 25 murders." You look at the picture not believing what you see. You feel the blood leave your face, suddenly your chest aches you can't get a breath. You run outside leaving them sitting there. They follow behind hind you. 
"Y/N, are you okay?" you heard the tall agent. 
"Do you know him?" the short one-eyed you as if you were going to hit the ground. You slowly stand up straight. You take a deep breath and count to ten. 
"He's my boyfriend Frankie." you watched them glance franticly at each other. You start to feel panicked thinking you would somehow be related to this because of your "boyfriend"
"I have no idea where he is. He usually leaves for a few days then comes home." 
"How long have you been together?" the tall one asked.  You shake your head not understanding what that had to do with murder. 
"Listen Agent?" you look at the tall one asking his name again.
"Oh uh, you can call me Sam. You can call Agent Holland Dean." You nod.
"I don't know anything about this." you plead. 
"We know that how long have you been together i know it's strange but we have to know." Sam pleads to you. 
"Almost 3 and a half months," you whisper. The two agents walked away whispering to each other.  They came back telling you that you had to go with them. They wouldn't explain why till you had agreed to go. Sam had talked to your boss, and you were now sitting in the back seat of a pretty impala waiting for a conversation you were so not ready for. 
"Alright Y/N. The easiest way for Sam to explain this is for you to be quiet and no respond till he is completely finished explaining alright?"  Dean explained while making eye-contact in the rearview mirror. You agreed. 
"Here goes nothing. We aren't FBI Agents, we are hunters. We hunt the supernatural, like werewolves, ghosts, and uh vampires things like that." You couldn't believe what you were hearing. But for some odd reason, you believed them. 
"Frankies a vampire." dean spat out bluntly.  Sam yells at Dean about being like that. You heard Dean say well she has to know. 
"That makes some sense," you tell them barely above a whisper. Dean asked you what you meant. You take a breath to compose your self. 
"You count to ten a lot don't you?" Dean asked you, you simply nod. 
"It helps me. Anyway, what i meant was he's been acting strange. I mean he is strange in general but it drew me to him. But i never thought what you said he was was it i mean." You stop talking taking another deep breath. 
"It makes sense because i have never seen him in daylight. I don't think i have ever seen him eat food. Or. Or sleep." 
Sam tries to console you. You learn his name is Romera, not Frankie. 
"Listen, how about you stick with us till we get him?" Dean offered. Sam looked at him shocked at what he had just offered.
 Long story short, you help kill Frankie. Actually you have done it yourself. Dean and Sam taught you what to do in case you had to. You have been with them for almost a month. Frankie was on the run. He knew they were looking.
During that time you and Dean became close. Sam became like a brother.
You watched helplessly as Sam lay unconscious on the floor, Dean being beat to a pulp. It had you mortified. You lay there blood running down your face. The plan had backfired. Frankie had been waiting to attack. And he did successfully... Almost. 
You take a deep breath crawly to deans machete. You jump up swinging the blade as hard as you could aiming at his neck. His head hit the floor, his body hit the ground with a thud. 
"Sam wake up. Deans hurt." You screamed. You take him in your arms. He looks at you softly smiling. 
"Nice job Cupcake." You laugh as tears fall down your face.  
"You better not die on me, Dean Winchester." You warn crying. Sam had started to come too slowly. 
Dean looks at you places his hand on your face. 
"I wouldn't dream of it Cupcake." You kiss his lips gently taking him by surprise. 
"You know your only getting by with that cause you a bloody mess." you pause dropping your threat. 
"You know what Dean. You can call me Cupcake all you want just please don't die on me." You embrace him tightly. 
"I'm not going anywhere Cupcake." He whispered in your ear. You pull back looking at him straight in the eyes. 
"I'm falling for you, Dean Winchester." He squeezes your hand smiling softly. 
"I'm falling for you too, Y/N Y/L/N." 

Alright, you guys i know it's rushed, but it's a start! Please guys request are open! I love you guys! Please let me know what you think. Positive or Negative.-EMILY

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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