chapter 14

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(Your pov)

After that, we were going to watch the firework We were just walking in the crowd and I suddenly noticed that I can't see Anastasius beside me. Oh no, I think I lost him. What should I do?. should I try to find him with the system map or wait for him? If I try to find him in this crowd, I will be crushed.

I think I should get out of the crowded place and wait for him to find me. I walk towards a non-crowded place. It looked like a small garden there were only a few people.

I was sitting on the grass then I hear a crying voice. I searched for the voice and then I see someone hiding in a bush. I see a little girl with black hair. It was the girl from the competition.

She was crying and when she noticed me she said. "What do you think you are doing dirty commoner. You dare to touch me"

"Well, you don't own this place I can do whatever I want here. I just came here because I was worried about the crying sound."I said.

"What do you mean. No one is crying here." She said trying to hide that she was crying a little while ago.

"Then why are there tears on your face," I asked.

"What tears are you talking about?" She said

I am not good at comforting people, but if I leave a child alone crying, I will feel like a terrible human being. So I have to comfort her.

"There's no need to hide it. Are you crying because of that competition or there is something else that you are crying about? Sometimes it's good to share your pain with someone. As you said I am just a commoner I don't even know your name. I am not going to spread rumours about you. You can tell me if there's anything inside your heart " I said

" Of course a dirty commoner like you can't do anything to a Nobel and I wasn't crying because of that stupid competition I was crying because I ran away from home and I don't know what to do now," she said.

"Wait, why did you run away from home," I asked.

"I don't want to live there anymore. I am sick of everyday being compared to other Nobel lady's. I just want to be free. I just want my parents to know that I don't like singing or playing instruments. Each day I have been scolded just because I can't play an instrument properly and told that I can't find a good husband in the future. That's why I ran away from that place." She said.

"Even if you run away from that place what are you going to do now. You can safely roam around here at day but at night there will be many bad people and a small child like you can't protect herself alone."I asked.

It looks like she can't answer my question.

" Did you bring any money with you?" I asked

"No, " she said.

"Do you have a place where you can stay at night?" I asked

"No," she said again.

"Did you ever think about what you are going to do after running away? I asked

"..." She didn't say anything.

"I will take it as a no," I said. She didn't even think what she is going to do after running away and Wolfy calls me stupid.

"Do you have any ambitions that you want to achieve?" I asked

"I am the firstborn child of the duke. The Duke and the Duchess couldn't have any children in ten years of their marriage. That's why when I was born it was decided that I was going to become the successor of the family. I was taught everything that will help me to become a good successor. I was told at a young age by everyone that I was going to become the next duke. So I worked very hard to be good at everything. My only dream was to become one of the incredible dukes in history of obelia. But one day I heard the news of my mother being pregnant. I was happy because I was going to get a new sibling until one day I heard the maids they were talking that if the Duchess second child will be a boy then he will become the successor of the family. I didn't think anything about it because it was ridiculous to think that my parents wouldn't recognize my hard work and try to destroy my dreams. Oh, how wrong I was.
Then the day comes the child was born it was a boy. My father was so happy about the news that the second child was a boy. I was also happy. After all, I have a little sibling to play with. Then my father stops me from taking the sword lessons and changes all my lessons to music and other things that all the other noble ladies do. When I asked him why he was doing this he told me that I am no longer the successor of the family anymore. That my brother is the true successor of the family. I was sad and angry, I start to curse myself if only I was a guy then I can make my dream come true. Why was everything that I work hard for was being given away to my brother?" She starts to cry again while saying the last lines.

I feel really bad for her. This world was quite similar to the medieval era. Even though Women are allowed to be the successor of the family. It is only enabled if the family doesn't have a son.

"Hey, stop crying you can still make your dream come true," I said

"How, " she said while sobbing.

"You can work hard and become a duke in another country," I said

"It's not easy to become a duke in another country and as soon as I turn eighteen, my parents will marry me to a noble that can help the family to become stronger," she said while crying

How can I forget the parents in this world doesn't care about their children? I hug her and try to comfort her. She hugs me back it looks like she's not that much of a brat.

" Don't worry, I will help you to become a duke I promise, "I said

" What a dirty commoner like you can do to help me, "she said.

I will take my words back. She's still a brat.

"I will try my best to help but at this moment you should go back to your house since there is no chance you can survive here alone," I said.

"I don't know why, but I trust in your words. So I should get back to my home." She said.

"Alright, do you want any kind of help to find your house," I asked

"No my Carriage is just there." She said while pointing at the carriage.

She yelled from the carriage and said.

"Ethelgyth," she said

"What?" I asked

"My names is Ethelgyth," she said

"And my name is Atthy" I answered back. she just smiled at me and wave her hand.

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