Chapter 7

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Before he knew what he was doing his feet were taking him backwards at a dizzying pace. His back hit something wooden, perhaps a door, and Caspar reached behind him to wildly paw at the doorknob. Finally it was open and he fell through, landing on his bottom and kicking at the door to shut before crawling backwards. Away, away, AWAY!


Caspar shrieked and brought up his arms to his face. "Don't look at me!"

"Um...I'm afraid I can't see you...even if I wanted to."

Caspar realized the voice was female, and there was an edge of fright in her voice, unlike the voices of Mr. Ludwig and Merriam. He slowly brought his arms down from his face.

A young lady was standing behind the counter of the shop, her hands clasped in front of her chest, a defensive position. Her face was worried, but her eyes were looking not at Caspar, on the floor, but on the wall behind him. Caspar blinked as he realized that not only were her eyes not trained on him, but they were pure white, with no pupil or iris.

"You''re blind?"


"Oh..." Caspar slowly rose from the floor. "I'm sorry Miss; I hope I didn't frighten you. I just um...well..." Caspar eyed the door he'd come in from, hoping the people outside had stopped staring.

"I'm afraid I don't look quite normal and everyone on the street was um...laughing at me..."

"Oh no!" Her worried expression seemed to leave with her exhale, replaced with nothing but sympathy. "I'm so sorry! I..." She paused and chewed her lip for a moment. "I know what it's like to not be normal."

Caspar's lips tilted slightly in a sad smile. He then realized his surroundings and turned in place. "Is this your shop?"

", well, it's my family's shop."

The room was filled with all kinds of things. Behind him was a whole array of cut flowers in big bouquets, their stems gathered by ribbons. To Caspar's left were shelves holding trinkets and perfumes, and by the young lady there was a long glass case filled with jewelry and valuables.

"This is shop?" Caspar asked.

"Yes, Central Street Gift Shop. We have lots of different items, so there's something to suit everyone! Mother makes the soaps by hand even, they're over in that corner, and they have such splendid scents."

Caspar turned to observe the young lady again. She seemed nervous, her white eyes looking out in his general direction while her hands gripped and clasped repeatedly.

"It seems like a very nice shop." Caspar said, hoping to put her at ease. "Do you mind if I look around?"

"No, of course, please do!"

Caspar hiked up his suspenders and began making his way through the shelves. The items before him however, were nothing but a backdrop as he tried to manage the mess that was in his mind. How am I going to get home? What in God's name is happening to me? I think I'm going insane...Caspar rubbed his temples and tried to stem the river of anxiety that threatened to break through at any moment. And I'm still in these bloody ill fitting clothes. What a mess I'm in...I need Lady Mona's help. Where the hell is she? What am I to do?

He put back on his coat, so at the least he wouldn't be unsightly anymore and sighed as he came around the corner and found himself at the long glass case with the girl at the end. Caspar stood still and took a moment to observe her.

She looked to be about his age, with dirty blond, unruly curls that she had tucked back into a messy bun. Her skin was darker than Caspar was used to seeing for a lady, making him wonder if perhaps she had some interesting heritage. She was wearing a blue sweater over her shoulders, a pleated muslin dress underneath.

She's actually quite exquisite...Caspar realized with a bit of embarrassment.

"Can I help you with anything?" She asked suddenly, startling him.

Could she tell I was looking at her? Caspar quickly looked at the glass case beside him and picked something. "I was just looking at this pocket watch...I...lost mine not too long ago." It was the truth, he'd misplaced it in one of his episodes of forgetfulness and even though Caspar's memory had returned, he still couldn't figure out where he'd put it.

"Oh..." The young lady made her way over, using the edge of the glass case as her guide. "Would you like a closer look?"

"Oh—no that's ok. I don't want to inconvenience you."

"Not at all, sir." She said, her face suddenly determined. "Let me get it out for you." She leaned down and slid the glass panel on her side away and reached in. Caspar watched in silence,fascinated as she grazed her hands delicately over everything in that portion of the case: rings, necklaces, and pins, until she alit upon the watch. She grasped it and lifted it out, her other hand catching its chain. "Here you are sir." She held it out with pride, and Caspar carefully took it from her palms.

"Thank you..." Caspar said quietly as he clicked it open to see its face.

"Could I ask your name, sir?" She said after a moment.

"Perhaps..." Caspar said, a small smile coming to his face. "If you tell me yours."

She lowered her head a bit, smiling. "Liana Yule."

"Liana...I like that." Caspar commented, his gaze on the many little curls that framed her face. "I'm Caspar Cunnings."

"If you'd like to buy the watch, you might have to wait a bit for Mother to get back; she had to go on an emergency errand." Liana admitted, looking guilty. "I'm not...qualified to sell anything."

Caspar blinked, realizing he'd not been looking over the watch at all. "Oh um...that's alright. I'll just come back some other day and get it then."

"Very well." She reached out her hands, cupped, to accept the watch, and Caspar carefully placed it in them.

"It was nice meeting you, Miss Yule." Caspar looked at the wooden door he'd entered through, and a sense of dread filled him. I can't hide in here forever; I'll just have to face whatever is outside.

"The same to you Mr. Cunnings." Liana said with a slight bow.

Caspar made his way to the door and took one last look at the shop. It had a safe feeling to it. He considered Liana still standing where he'd left her. Yes, he was certain he'd be back.

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