Chapter IX

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Bad Blood - Tumbleweed Wanderers


I position my pistol downwards, looking at their bodies in distraught. Everyone around us have seemed to go quiet. It's only the flickering red and blue lights and the ambiance of the wind. My face has gone cold. Dart is behind me, he places a hand on my shoulder. I already know.

"Well, consider this case closed." He pats my shoulder, looking down at me in a sympathetic way. We were so close to getting them. To getting the other answers we needed. But now they're gone. Dead. All by suicide. They wouldn't even listen to us when we told them to step away from the edge. Did they even hear us? They must have! The building isn't that tall.

Jason's in the back of one of the police cars. He steps out, his face low just like mine.

It's horrifying to see them. I've seen a lot of bodies. Blood. Bones. But this was... different. Their heads were smashed in the cement, pools surrounded them. They faced downwards so no one could see their faces. I honestly don't want to. I'll hear what all happened to them during the autopsy. An autopsy might be completely worthless since we witnessed it all happen but it's still informational to know what all happened during the fall and the impact of the fall.

I open my notepad for probably the final time.

Suicide, I write.

Case closed.

Well, now there won't be anymore Trevor or Isabella. Or crazy Los Santos heists between them. And it's good. It's very good. I'm happy to have ended the case, but in this way? No. I hate ending cases with suicides. Because it leaves so many questions unanswered. We will never know what was in their minds because it's not like it was put out anywhere.

We came to Paris only to watch them die right in front of our eyes. There was nothing we could do, really. It's very unfortunate. And unsettling.

I'm still looking at their broken skulls and pools of blood as I'm thinking deeply in my thoughts. I'm taken away when officers come up to me.

As they're talking to me I think about Isabella and Trevor. They were obviously so close. And it's awakening something in the back of my mind. Something that is triggering a memory of mine. I shake it off, trying to not get distracted.

Two Weeks Later

I walk into the precinct feeling ambitious. There's a little rhythm to the way I walk, taking my steps very delicately and bouncy. It's good to be back in Los Santos. I feel at home. Also just seeing my home again was nice.

Jason's got the gruesome results of Trevor's and Isabella's death and he's ready to share them with me. I'm nervous. I've never dealt with anything like this before. Where I see it all happen right before me. It's weird. I've had this odd feeling in my gut since.

While I know there's no point in getting an autopsy for suicide, we still just wanted to know what all happened to them.

"Mason! Get in here!" Jason sits outside of his lab, jumping up and down as he sees me. "Okay, okay!" I say, pushing him inside. Dart's there in the corner of the room, eating some yogurt.

"Let me just say, this was a very gruesome death. I know deaths are usually always gruesome, but this one is just... wow." Jason stands across from me.

He goes on about how the impact affected their bodies. "Isabella's top teeth were jabbed into her gums! They got stuck in her brain bits!" Jason's having a fun time talking about all of this, I'm not. "Trevor's ribs were shattered, his lungs were punctured. I suppose this all happened because they fell stomach first. Yeah, if you're ever going to jump off of a building, please don't"—Dart sits up and interrupts—"Okay, let's not," he growls. Jason just laughs, slapping Dart's shoulder playfully.

all reason aside, i just can't deny, i love the guy | trevor philipsWhere stories live. Discover now