First Date

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Marinette's POV

"Alright girl you better give me details about this date! Got it. I'll be waiting with my phone in my hand! See ya later." Alya takes off to catch up to Nino leaving me to walk home alone, which I am thankful for. This gives me time to gives me a chance to talk to Chat about handing out the fox and turtle miraculous to the others.

"Alright Tikki let's find that cat so we can talk about Rena Rouge and Carapace." she nods as we make our way to an empty alley. Calling out my chant I transform into my alter-ego and call Chat on the yo-yo.

"Hey there Bug-a-boo. Did you miss me?" Chat calls me from up above, looking up I see him on top of the building looking down at me with a huge grin plastered on his face.

"Wow kitty you got here fast." I use my yo-yo to get onto the building to talk to him properly.

"Ah...yeah I was just in the neighborhood. What's up my Lady?" He reaches for my hand to kiss it but I playfully pull away, hopefully that didn't hurt his feelings. "Silly kitty. I wanted to talk to you about permanently giving the fox and turtle miraculous to Rena and Carapace. What do you think? I mean after everything that has happen with Hawkmoth...." I trail off getting overwhelmed about the duties of the guardian again.

"Hey, hey. Whatever you decided I'll back you up. Besides I think that would be awesome have more heroes to back us up. As long as you don't forget about me." Chat winks at me before giving me a hug. "Thank you kitty and course not. You're my partner." I giggle before backing away.

"I hate to cut this short but I do have things I have to do in my civilian form, so I'll see you later." running to the edge of the rooftop I leap into the air and toss my yo-yo to hook on to the nearest lamp post to swing me away to transform back.

~~~Later on~~~

"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR! AND IT'S ALMOST FOUR!" I drop to my knees in a panic as Tikki hovers by my clothes looking for something cute to wear

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"I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO WEAR! AND IT'S ALMOST FOUR!" I drop to my knees in a panic as Tikki hovers by my clothes looking for something cute to wear.

"Marinette, relax. I know no matter what you wear Luka is going to think you look cute in it. Here wear haven't worn it before." Looking up at my kwami is see her holding up pink dress with white polka dot, I forgot I even had that.

"Oh I can throw a gray blazer over it and wear gray leggings! Yes! Thank you Tikki." I jump and lunge at the outfit and quickly get dressed just in time to hear a knock from outside my room.

It was so hard making my way to the living room to wait for Luka because my mom kept taking pictures of me and my papa just kept praising me until Luka knocked on the door.

"How exciting! My baby girl is going to her very first date! Come on sweet heart let's give her some privacy. Have fun honey." Mama yells over her shoulder as she pushes papa up the stairs. Making sure Tikki was secure in my new purse I take a deep breath and open the door.

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