
11.8K 911 691

A/N: I'm challenging myself to post something every day to help relieve stress and boredom to those who're under quarantine or stuck at home from school and the like. Everyone please stay safe during this Coronavirus fiasco, okay? So here's today's update/upload! :) Thank you all for being amazing!!

Aizawa Shouta was many things—a teacher, a husband, a son, a friend, a hero. But one thing he was not was tolerant of bullying. When he'd heard from Chiyo (Recovery Girl) that one of his students sent another student to the medical wing of U.A. covered in burns, he went straight to Nezu for the whole story. Even if the principal hadn't been there, he always seemed to know what was going on.

From there, he and Nezu went over the footage from the fight. With audio. It became fairly obvious that the two boys had a history together that wasn't pretty, and from the fear Midoriya exhibited it became obvious what that history was.

Bakugo Katsuki had bullied Midoriya Izuku. It was obvious to Shouta, who'd been bullied often in his youth. The way the green haired kid flinched at the explosions, and shrunk back at the look of the blond. His apprehension even in the classroom whenever Bakugo was called upon, like he expected to suddenly be attacked.

But that begged the question of why. Midoriya had a very powerful Quirk, even if he couldn't use it without breaking bones. In this world, a Quirk like Midoriya's... The kid should've been brought up with his ego inflated. He should've been told all his life how he'd make the perfect hero. He should've walked into U.A. like he owned the place, oozing confidence and arrogance like Bakugo.

So why didn't he? Why did Midoriya act like a bullied child? Why did he have painfully low confidence and a shattered self-image? Shouta could tell at a glance that this kid was far too timid to become a hero. Until he threw that ball and had the gall to talk back to him. In that moment, Shouta saw a backbone in the kid, and realized that he could be changed.

Still... He'd been planning to observe him and keep him away from Bakugo as much as he was able to. If Shouta could bring up the kid's confidence enough, then he should be fine.

Seeing the video and watching the two of them fight... Why did Bakugo act like Midoriya withheld something important from him? Something wasn't adding up, here. This was...

Shouta felt hot anger well up in him as Bakugo used the gauntlet. That attack was lethal. Midoriya barely dodged out of the way in time, and scarcely avoided getting fried.

And when he went to use it again? Oh, that was just about all Shouta needed to see. Bakugo was going to get in big trouble for this, he'd make sure of it. That ego needed to be culled and fast. Before he crossed the line from hero to unwitting villain.

Though he was disappointed that Midoriya broke his arm—again—in that kind of high-emotion situation, he supposed he could cut the kid some slack. He also tanked that shot from Bakugo, and while it was stupid, he did keep damage to one location. And maybe he was a little impressed with the kid's ability to take damage.

But that still made him worry, cause Midoriya hardly flinched at the massive burn on his arm caused by the explosion.

"Well, Aizawa? What do you think?"

"I think I need to have a talk with Bakugo about his behavior today." Shouta sighed. He really wasn't paid enough to put up with all this shit. "Send me the rest of the videos and I'll review them later."

"Very well. Have fun~"

He waved his hand in farewell as he trudged out the doors. Ugh. Why did teachers have to work off the clock, too? It wasn't fair. He peeked into the classroom to find most of his students still socializing, but found no trace of either problem child. What a pain.

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