Chapter Two

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The whispering footsteps of the horses were the only thing heard on that cold night. The wing sounded like it was whimpering like if the horses were stepping on their little fingers. Lucas and Yoongi were in front of the rest of the runaways. Lucas was making sure that it was safe to go to certain areas while Yoongi was their map guiding them around. Jungkook got goosebumps everytime Lucas told them to stop or he would imagine a noise that wasn't there. He of course trusted Tiana and Jin but he wasn't sure about Lucas and the other small quiet man.

They came to an abrupt stop when Yoongi told them that they were near and had to walk the rest of the way without the horses (he said the noise of the horses would wake up his neighbor that was a light sleeper). So Jin and Lucas tied the horses to the few trees that were found and then Yoongi led the rest of the way. As they walked Jungkook caught Yoongi looking at him, like trying to decipher what he held deep in his soul. "Everyone quiet!" Lucas whisper yelled. Jungkook looked around trying to figure out what caused everyone to stop. Then he heard it, the faint sound of horses galloping around. "Soldiers," Tiana said, followed by a gasp from Jin. Tiana grabbed Jungkook's hand and told Yoongi if he knew anywhere where they could hide him. The only answer Yoongi gave is taking Jungkook from Tiana by the wrist. This shocked Jungkook and almost killed him but when he looked out how unbothered Tiana was at this he forced himself to calm down.

Yoongi looked around for a moment then saw the box Lucas was carrying, big enough to fit a squished Jungkook. As they heard the horses getting closer Yoongi quickly took the box from Lucas earning a protest from the other. He opened it and revealed a bunch of potatoes. He emptied it and told Jungkook to get in. Jungkook looked at Jin who only nodded and got in with difficulty. Soon two horsemen were in front of all of them. "Good evening..." One of them said. They all said good evening back except Jungkook. "What are all of you doing here in the middle of the night?" The other asked. Yoongi quickly responded "My husband realized we didn't have potatoes for tomorrow at breakfast and so we went to fetch some." The soldier looked at them unconvinced "Did all of you have to go?" They said quick for five seconds, five scruciating seconds. Then Jin said "We heard there was a dangerous fugitive around and we didn't want to risk sending one of us alone" The soldier seemed convinced by the answer but then asked "Where are the potatoes?" Lucas then answered "In the box safe and sound."

It was quiet for a moment but then one of the soldiers ordered "Open the box" Tiana's eyes widen at the soldier, she started panicking "I don't think that is-" Yoongi cut her off "That won't be a problem" and showed a fake smile to the soldiers "Yoongi" Jin said sounding concerned. "Trust me" Responded Yoongi. He kneeled down in front of the box. He looked at the horsemen as he opened the box and kept his eyes on them not breaking eye contact. Everyone looked at the box to find it as Yoongi promised filled with potatoes, or so it seemed. As soon as Jungkook was in the box Yoongi took a leather mantle and put it on top of him and added a few potatoes on top, this was something Tiana and Jin didn't see. This was enough to convince the soldiers. "Very well then, move along and be careful. Goodnight." This time they didn't answer back. Yoongi just kept looking at them as they disappeared around the corner. As soon as they were gone Jin let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding.

Yoongi quickly kneeled down to the box, opened it and took the potatoes and the mantle. Out came a tiered looking Jungkook with messy hair. He looked adorable like a little kid. Everyone agreed as Tiana let out a puff and then they all chuckled softly at Jungkook's cuteness, even Yoongi. Jungkook on the other hand looked annoyed as to why they were laughing and the fact that he was forced inside a box that smelled like the king's third leg. They kept on walking until they reached a middle size house with a lake next to it. Yoongi came up to the front door and knocked four times (like the Master would). Soon it was answered by a red hair maile in a sleeping robe holding a candle. He smiled a heart shaped smile as soon as he saw all of them outside. "Yoongi aaaa I was so worried!" he said excited and hugged the smaller maile. "Missed you too, for like the last 2 hours since we last saw each other." Yoongi said, kinda annoyed but still smiled a gummy smile at his husband. "You all must be cold get in before anyone sees you all"

They were invited inside the cosy home. Jungkook walked in slowly and looked around. The whole place smelled like lavender and he kind of liked it already. Soon the red hair came up to him. Somehow he was taller than Jungkook. "Oh you must be Jungkook hello! Are you hungry, cold, scared tell me what you want maybe a blanket~" The red hair just continued bombarding him with all these questions, just like Jin would do...just like a loving mother would. At the thought of that Jungkook started getting uncunfturble. Yoongi noticed this and soon went up to the red hair and said "I think he needs you to shut up" The red hair gasped at his husband and almost hit him if it wasn;t for Tiana interrupting "So you haven't introduced yourself to Jungkook." At thet the red hair only glaired at Yoongi and then smiled at Jungkook and said cheerfully "Oh right, stupid me hi I'm Hoseok or you can call me Hobi or JHOPE. How ever you prefer." Jungkook gave a small smile then said "Nice to meet you Hobi" Hobi cheered at this and pinched Jungkook's cheeks.

They were interrupted by Lucas saying "Well that is it for me, fancy meeting ya." Tiana looked at Lucas and asked "Are you sure you don;t want us to pay you. We owe you everything!" Lucas shook his head "No knead it is my pleasure, just saying though if I am ever in desperate need of some help will you guys come to the rescue?" Jin smiled and nodded "Oh don't you worry big softy we will be there next to you any day you want." Tiana said then proceeded to give Lucas a big loving kiss in the cheek. One that made the giant-like friend's face turn red as he let out a smile and wisled. He bowed down to everyone then sang his way out. And so now only Jin and Tiana remain.

Their eyes looked sadly at Jungkook even though their mouths were smiling, almost like if they wanted to stay and cuddle with him. Jin stepped close to Jungkook before bringing him into a warm tight hug. He kissed the top of his head "I'm gonna miss know that I love you" Jin said loud enough so only Jungkook can hear. "Of course Jin eomma, I'll miss you too." Jin had tears rolling down his face as he pulled away giving space for Tiana to say goodbye for who knows how long the trio will be separated. Tiana jumped on Jungkook and cried on his shoulder. Jungkook just patted her back as a sign of wanting to comfort her. Let's just say Jungkook isn't a hugging person.

Jungkook was the one who pulled away having passed his limit with the hugging. He looked at his noona and hyung and smiled sadly. He really was gonna miss them. After Tiana and Jin calmed down Jin came up to Yoongi and Hoseok to say some parting words. "You have no idea how thankful we are. I know Jungkook can be a bit stubborn and quiet but please give him some time to open up and get comfortable around you. On the inside he can be a real joy. DO NOT push him to do anything he is not comfortable doing, he doesn't do well when it comes to that. You have no idea, we owe you the world." Jin smiled at them.

They looked at Jungkook one last time, eyeing him the "behave yourself" look. As they were walking out Tiana turned around and looked at Hoseok and Yoongi and pointed a finger at them "ANYTHING HAPPENS TO MY BABY...I will kill you." She looked deadly into the eyes of the other two. Yoongi didn't even budge but knew she was serious. Hobi looked like he was about to faint. With that said Jin and Tiana turned around and didn't look back at Jungkook, too afraid that if they did they wouldn't be able to let him go. Jungkook's eyes never left the back of Tiana and Jin. Even when the door closed he was still looking at where they used to be.

He felt so lonely again. Why does everyone leave him in the end? He looks back at Hobi and Yoongi. No one made a noise. The silence was starting to get uncomfortable. "Well, we should get you to your 'room' before Jimin and Tae wake up and start asking questions." Hobi said in a cheerful voice. Soon Yoongi and Jungkook followed him upstairs trying to make the minimal amount of noise as possible. Suddenly Yoongi grabbed Jungkook's wrist. Jungkook turned around to see what the elder wanted. "I know we agreed to help you, but if I see that I have to choose between you and my family...I will not hesitate to turn you in." Yoongi said in a serious tone. Jungkook only stayed silent, he was expecting something like that to be said. As he followed Hobi wherever the attic was He started realizing that living here would be harder than running away from the king. 

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