welcome back

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dear jesus why is it to bright" rowan groaned as she exited the airport. "hmm maybe cause it's only 6 pm here" her dad chuckled . he grabbed her duffel bag and suitcase in his other hand. she was just carrying her soccer bag. she took a second to look at her dad. he had obviously been at work based on the fact he was still in his uniform. he hasn't even changed his boots. she looked at his chest. master sergeant sanchez it read. her father was a US marine. bit of a long story. she looked back down at her outfit. shorts and her national team zip up. similar to his uniform hers read "rowan sanchez #6. united states" hers would never amount to his but that was okay. they loaded up her bags and hoped in the pickup. "alright let me see it" he said. she smiled and reached in her back pack. she pulled out the velvet box and opened it up to reveal her gold world cup medal. "first of many" he smiled as he obsevered it. "i really am so proud of you" he told her sincerely then he started up the truck and they took off home. after getting settled and by settled rowan means tossing her bags in her room. grabbing her charger and pluging in her phone she completely passed out. neglecting to text her girlfriend that she made it in. rowan didn't wake up until 10 am the next day and her dad was out probably at the gym. she rolled over and grabbed her phone. she scrolled through until something caught her eye.

@ sabrina

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@ sabrina.kay so proud of you @ row6n can't wait for you to come home. i love you!
liked by: chandler.pck and @ masonnn
comments: congrats ro!
congratulations rowan!
so proud!
can't wait for your homecoming!
rowan quickly typed out a comment.
@ row6n: thank you love ;) can't wait to see you.
after getting ready for the day she began the long list. unpacking, laundry, school supplies the works. by dinner rowan was worked up.
after dinner she showered and crawled back into bed. she hadn't looked at her phone since this morning and was still so jet lagged she crashed again.
the next morning rowans alarm went off bright and early like always. she got up semi quickly and headed to the bathroom. she brushed her teeth and hair. washing her face with cool water in hope to wash away the tiredness. which didn't help. she changed changed into a pair of black nike cotton shorts and a white muscle tee with a black sports bra underneath. she slid on white vans over her black nike socks and topped it all off with a signature black snap back that rested on top of her brown hair facing backwards. she clipped on her gold chain, got some deodorant and cologne and she was ready. she tossed her soccer stuff in her soccer bag and threw some school supplies in there as well. she ran down the stairs and into the kitchen. she tossed some food into her bag and her water bottle before sitting down to eat some cereal. she finally looked down to check her phone and groaned when she noticed all the missed texts and calls from sabrina. she knew she was about to be in the shit house for real. she sat and thought for a second before typing out what was in her head a thoughtful message. "good morning beautiful i'll see you soon" it read. she hopped into her jeep realizing the time. she made a quick stop at keva juice for a smoothie before heading to school. she looked at her phone and saw sabs text. "see ya." iy read. rowan shook her head and drove to school. she parked quickly noticing she only had about 3 minutes before the bell would ring. and not only was she in deep shit for ignoring sabrina but now she would really be in it for being late. she left her sunglasses on as she walked quickly through the halls. people shot a "hey rowan" or "hey!" at her every now and then buy one really got her attention. "hey! uh sorry. could you point me in the direction of... room K112?" rowan turned and noticed a brunette with nice tan skin. not nearly as tan as rowans but it was a nice glow. "hey. uh i'm actually headed there right now. i'll take you" rowan smiled at the girl. the girl pushed a piece of hair out of her eyes before thanking her. "uh i'm rowan" rowan said sticking her hand out. "emily" the girl shook her hand. "well emily we should uh probably get going" and the two walked quickly too the room. they stopped in an area with lockers and picnic tables. "give me one second" rowan told the girl next to her. "hey guys!" rowan said giving a hand shake to each guy infront of her. "ro!!! what up?!" "hey guys" rowan said nicer to the girls and gave them each a smile before facing someone who she was extremely nervous to see. "hey babe"'rowan said leaning in to kiss her girls cheek. she was close but sabrina gently pushed her off. "i guess i'll see you in first?" rowan asked rubbing her hand on her neck nervously. "we'll see-" sabrina was interrupted by emily. "rowan shouldn't we go?" she asked sweetly. rowan nodded and walked to class. "sooo who's all of them?" "wow you really haven't been here long have you? well uh you'll learn with time" rowan smiled down at her before opening the class room door for emily and following after her. "em!" someone greeted the girl and rowan took her usual seat. following soon was the group. last in was sabrina and her two girls well minions maddie and taylor. rowan gulped takinh in her girls appearance. she wore a plaid mini skirt that was definitely a little short which of course made rowan drool but also feel a little protective as she watched guys stare at her girlfriends ass and a white tank crop top. to say her girlfriend was a ten was a complete understatement. sabrina took her seat infront of rowan not even acknowledging her girlfriends presence. once class began rowan began to write little paper notes. she wrote on one of them. "hey ur cute. mind if take you out tonight?"
she tapped sabrinas shoulder and tossed the notes onto her desk. she felt relief when she heard her girlfriend chuckle as she read rowans notes. once the bell rung rowan looked for emily but saw her seat was empty. she thought she had just found someone else to show her her classes and shrugged it off. she stood up and walked to her girl. "soooo. you'll never believe what happened" sabrina told her. rowan raised her eyebrow. "some really really hot girl just now asked me out tonighy! do you think she meant it?" she flirted. "huh i think she did. she'd be crazy not too" rowan whispered the last part in her ear. smirking she took her girlfriends hand in her own before heading down the hall. "ro! you coming?!" she heard mason yell. rowan nodded before releasing her girlfriend and giving her one last peck on the cheek. after a few lame classes it was finally time for lunch. she walked into the lunch room and smiled as she noticed the usual spot she ate at since she began dating sabrina. she jogged quickly over and slid on top of the table. sabrina walked in after as rowan was eating a PB&J sandwhich and scrolling on her phone. sabrina took her spot which was right under her girlfriend as she leaned against her legs. "that better not be tinder" she teased. "ohhh yeah babe. hey which picture should i uploaf for my profile?" she joked earning her a playful slap from sabrina. they talked with the group for a while until a group of soccer girls walked up to the table. "hey rowan. we were wondering what time practice was today?" the one in the front flirted. "uh same time as every year. 3 o'clock" rowan laughed. "so rowan. what's on the agenda for today's practice?" before rowan could answer sabrina stepped in. "well why don't you just run along and ask your coach that? last i checked rowan MY girlfriend wasn't the coach. so scram" sabrina said rather rudely. the girls rolled their eyes and left. "was that really necessary?" rowan looked down and asked her. sabrina scoffed and turned back to her friends. rowan shook her head and got up. "i'm gonna head to study hall. later guys" she said. "rowannnnn" sabrina dragged out the name as she followed her girlfriend out of the lunch room. rowan turned and looked at her. sabrina walked up to her and interlocked their lips. after a passionate kiss she rested their heads together. "i just. your mine ro" sabrina said softly. "you're damn right i'm yours" rowan said looking into her eyes. "i'll see you tonight alright" she said. sabrina nodded and smiled. after one last kiss rowan left. the day dragged on until finally it was practice time. she noticed emily. "hey you@ rowan greeted. "i didn't know you played soccer?" rowan said. "i used to i just wanted something to do until swim season" rowan nodded and practice began. after many miles were ran and passes and shots were completed they were finally done. she grabbed her stuff before heading out. she texted her girlfriend to meet her at her house. when she got there she showered ate a snack and began on the little homework she had. but finally the sleep deprivation and time change caught up to her and she fell asleep. she didn't awake until she felt the bed dip a little bit. she opened her eyes to see her girlfriend looking down at her sweetly. "hey sleepy head" sabrina whispered. "hey" rowan croaked out. sabrina gently pushed a piece of hair out of the girls face. "what time is it?" "almost 6" "oh shit. give me 10 minutes and we can go" rowan said remembering what she had promised. "no no it's ok. we can just chill here." sabrina said. "are you sure?" rowan asked settling back down. "mhmm" sabrina hummed. "want to watch a movie?" "yeah can i?" she asked as she took the remote and began surfing through the tv. "you want a different pair of clothes? those can't possibly be comfortable" rowan said noticing her girlfriend still in the plaid skirt. she stopped surfing and turned to her girlfriend. "wanna help me out of it?" she asked seductively. rowan licked her lips got up and closed her door. her dad probably would be home till late anyway. she climbed back on the bed before kissing her girlfriend again. rowan rolled over an allowed sabrina to get on top. her girlfriend took full advantage of this as she broke the kiss and began sucking on the girls neck. rowans hands found themselves sliding her girls top slowly off her head. sabrina pleased that her girlfriend was only wearing a sports bra and a pair of sweats. sabrina kicked off her shoes and couldn't contain her moan as her girlfriends magic lips found their way to her pulse point. rowan smirked slightly against her skin as her hands squeezed the girls ass. she unclipoed the skirt and tossed it to the ground and flipped her girlfriend over so she was on top. "ugh you've always been the top" sabrina said huskily. "never forget it" rowan growled into her ear as she began to work her magic. her hands found themselves to the girls breasts as she cupped them and kissed her way down. she put her mouth on one of sabrinas breast as she sucked and nipped definitely leaving a hickey or six. her hands slid down the girls slim body until it found her under wear. wasting no time rowan slid down taking the thin piece of clothing between her teeth and sliding it off. she left it around her ankles and kissed sloppily up her thighs. sabrina moaning practically every kiss. rowan smirked again as she felt how wet her girl already was. "guess someone missed me huh?" rowan looked up and said. "rowan. now." her girlfriend said breathless. "now what baby?" rowan said against her thigh. "fuck. just fuck me already ro" and that was all rowan needed she slid her tongue deep into the girls folds. sucking and paying special attention to the little bud of nerves. she licked and sucked everywhere and when she knew sabrina was close she moved her mouth out and slid two fingers in. "fuck. faster baby." sabrina moaned. rowans mouth attached to one of her breasts and sucked. "fuck fuck fuck. rowan baby" sabrina screamed as rowan slammed her fingers into her one last time. both girls breathlessly road out the high. sabrina watched closely as rowan slid her fingers out and stuck them in her mouth sucking them clean. sabrina frowned when she felt her girlfriend get up. she watched as she walked to her drawer and pulled out a pair of cotton shorts and a t shirt. she tossed them to the girl before sliding back into the bed. "god i miss you this summer" sabrina said as she finally regained her strength. "me too babe me too" rowan said as she kissed her hair. sabrina leaned into rowans side after she slid on the clothes her girlfriend gave her. rowan wrapped an arm around her shoulders and sabrina rested her hand on her girlfriends rock hard abs. the two watched a movie for a while before rowans stomach growled. sabrina laughed loudly before she sat up and helped her girlfriend off the bed. the two headed into the kitchen where sabrina looked around the kitchen for something to cook knowing rowan couldn't make anything other than dino nuggets. "do you want spaghetti?" sabrina asked. rowan nodded and spun around on one of the barstools while she waited for dinner. "how was spain?" she asked while making the pasta. "amazing. it's so beautiful sab. and the footballs amazing and the food is wow and i could understand everything they were saying! like when we played spain in the final they were trying to trick me by speaking in spanish but little did they know i'm fluent!" rowan rambleded on. sabrina walked over and planted a kiss on her lips. "you have so much passion ro. it's crazy" she laughed. "maybe next time you can come with me" rowan suggested. "i'd like that" sabrina responded. the two ate dinner and messed on their phones for a while and rowan watched as her girlfriend made tik toks. they were cuddling when sabrina finally said she should go. she changed back into her s school clothes and rowan walked her out. "see you tomorrow?" rowans asked. "yeah." she kissed her goodnight. she turned sorund. "hey. welcome back" sabrina smiled.

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