P r i o r i t i z a t i o n

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I huff in frustration as I look at the time. I have to go to practice, but I have a project due tomorrow and I have not been able to finish it. I know I can't skip practice or I won't be able to play- and it could cost me my captain title- but I wish I could.

Putting my papers away I grab my basketball bag and head out. I had gotten dressed for practice early so I could spend more time on my work; didn't make much of a difference though. I make my way to the gym, deciding to go straight to my room after practice and finish up my work.

I do have a car on campus, but it's actually easier to get most places by walking through the grounds than trying to drive around. I make it to the gym in 10 minutes and immediately go to the locker room, knowing that's where everyone will be. The first person I see is Gale and he hands me a granola bar and a banana. "I know you've been nerding it out and didn't eat. Here ya go."

"Thanks, man," I say, taking it and tearing open the bar. We would usually come to practice together, seeing as we're suite mates, but he was already out when it came time for practice.

Practice starts a few minutes later and coach works us hard. The playoffs are coming up soon and we have to be ready. As of now our team is first in our region, but we have to continue to win these games to keep that up.


"You coming with, James?" Gale asks me while the team's getting ready to leave.

"To get pizza? No, I got work to do. But if I give you some money can you get me some to go?" I ask as I swing my bag onto my back, cash in hand.

"Yeah, sure. What d'you want?"

"Two slices of Pepperoni. Here," I give him the money. "Thanks, man."

"You're not coming, Jay?"

I look over to see Jackson. "No, I gotta finish my work."

He scoffs. "You're not gonna need any of that work once you get into the NBA. You'll be getting paid to play basketball!"

"That's a big if," I say. "And it'd be good to have a strong backup. So yes, I do need this work."

He shrugs. "Whatever, man. Just saying it's a waste of energy."

"A'ight." I decide to leave it at that and exit the locker room. I deal with this all the time: people saying all I need to do is focus on basketball, forget the school work. They just don't understand me not wanting my whole life to be about basketball. Would I be thrilled to get into the NBA? Sure. But I would also be thrilled to know I graduated with a 4.0 or I landed a well paying job that I can do for as long as I wish and can't be ruined by an injury.

Most people don't know I didn't even want to play in college. The only reason I am is because of the scholarship money... that and my parents. I would have still been shooting hoops in my free time, but I wanted to be able to focus on my studies instead of splitting the load. I know I have a good brain and, as a black man, I want to put it to use. The NBA is full of black men because we're known for being athletic, but any jobs related to science or math? No where near as many. Maybe that's why everyone expects me to want to play basketball instead.

I make it to our suite and head straight to my room. It is now 7 P.M. and I tell myself I will be done by 9.


Except now it's 9:30, and I'm still not finished. I know I'm almost there, but just thinking how much time I've spent trying to finish this stresses me out. Gale came back with my pizza a while ago and it still remains untouched, so I decide to eat it and give myself a small break.

While I wait for it to heat up in the microwave, I check my phone. I put it out of reach while I was working so I wouldn't be distracted. I see that Lia had texted me.


That's it? Her first text to me is "question"? That's disappointing. I reply back:


By the time I've gotten my pizza and sat back down at my desk, she's responded.

Do you like nature?

I think about it. I hate when bugs buzz in my ear, but other than that I like nature.

I don't hate it.

Ok. What about water?

Water? Like... what? Lake water. Beach water?

Can you be more specific?

Like... a river

I don't see anything wrong with rivers. We playing 20 questions?

I realize it's getting closer and closer to 10 o'clock and I have yet to get back to working on my project. I put my phone out of reach and get back to work.

I finish at exactly 10:48. After making sure my file is saved and cleaning up all the papers, I shut my computer with a satisfying click. Finally.

I decide to go shower, but before I make it I remember I was in the middle of a conversation with Lia. I check to see what she said:

First, that's not how that game works. Second, I was going to go canoeing with a friend but she can't make it anymore. Was wondering if you'd like to take her place

I've never been canoeing before but I have heard people talk about it. It sounded pretty fun, if you don't tip the boat.

I've never been before but I can give it a shot.

Knowing she probably won't respond right away since I took so long, I get in the shower. I start to wonder if canoeing is a date or just something friendly. She said she was going to go with a friend, so I guess it's not romantic or anything.

Once I'm in bead and ready to fall out, I check my phone again. Turns out she only took a couple minutes to respond.

Yay!! It's Saturday at 2. Can you do that?

I text her back telling her I'm free all Saturday. Then I tell her goodnight and put my phone up.

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