The Eevee nest

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Hi I'm max and I just hatched from my egg I'm the only one out of my egg sofar I was curious so I went outside of my nest to see my mom and my dad. My dad was a umbreon while my mom was a glacion. I heard a noise from my nest and my brothers was hatching when they hatched the was brown what is going on right now I was white. I stood up on my own I already knew how to talk i was only 5minutes old I went over to my mom and dad and the said something weird they said I was a shiny eevee and that they where very very rare when I was 5 years old I started school and all of my brothers and sisters where in the gread below me somehow I was smarter than them when we got home i went to search up what is a shiny eevee and it said a shiny eevees are different color than normal eevee and they are very smart

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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