chapter 1

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Danny has vowed to never kill ever again. He was a trained assassin with a body count of 69 but it could be more for no one truly knows his number. It hurt Danny every time he killed someone but then he would remember all the bad they did in the world and it made him feel a little better.

Danny was walking down the street to the store to pick up his prescription of Viagra when he was suddenly pulled into the alleyway. He looks at his kidnapper and sees that it's his old boss.
"Agent Big D, we have one last mission for you," said his old boss.
"You know I'm retired, I want to leave that part of my past behind me. No more killing, I want to spread love and kill the bad guys with my kindness," said Danny.
"I know," the boss sighs. "But only you can take this villain down."
"That's ridiculous, they can't be too hard to take down. Who is it anyways?"
"The ice age baby."
'THE ICE AGE BABY,' Danny thought to himself in shock. 'That's my arch nemesis, the one person I was never able to take down due to my lack of viagra which I still need to pick up.'
"On that note, then fine i'll do it. not only for myself but because nothing good comes out from that motherfucking monster," danny said.
"Thank you agent Big D," said the boss. "the world will be internally grateful to you for saving us all from that piece of garbage."
With that Danny and the boss parted ways. Danny continued on his way to the store to stock up on viagra to make sure he has enough fuel to power him through this mission.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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