Chapter one

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I am so scared...anxious...I'm sweating like crazy and all of these people in the jury are looking  me like I'm crazy..but of course they do think that..they think my entire family is insane. Enough to go ahead and name a disorder after us. 

Placing my black binder on the stand and trying my best to calm down I state my case for the one billionth time.

"I'm plead with you Judge Laury and this entire country of the removal of the so called danger that is the Wonder Syndrome."

He looked at me and began writing.

"I mean it really makes no sense how only my family members have this syndrome so it's not only ignorant and stupid it's unfair to my family and it's generation."

He scoffed as he continued writing. "You are wasting your time young lady."

"And you're not being a proper judge at the moment."

He looked at me and rolled his eyes.
"And you are nothing but a pest to this court."

Just like that the jury broke in to laughter.

"You're all stupid honestly. How on earth can only one family have this one disorder that's impossible!"

I'm getting heated now I'm tired of this town and I'm tired of this judge and his lack of a brain.

"I'm gonna prove it's real." I said proudly.

"Prove that what is real?" He asks.


More laughter.

"Yeah laugh now because when I do you'll all feel like the idiots you are and want to know more and my family's name will be cleared." m

"The next time you insult this court I will have you arrested."

"And the next time you eat one of those muffins in the lunch room I will hope as hard as I can that you choke on it." I said with  a beaming smile.

"Okay Jamie I think you should calm down now." My lawyer said now standing next to me.

"Don't  tell  me to calm down you're my lawyer William, your job is to defend but you aren't doing that so I guess your just as stupid as everyone else in this court room."

"Security arrest her!" The judge yelled.

"No, no... um Judge Laury ...I'm pleading with you does the plaintiff look like she belongs in jail. I mean look at her, not to mention she does have a clean record. Just give her this one chance." William pleads while sounding quite pathetic.

"Well you're right...the only thing she looks like she belongs in is an asylum." Scoffed the judge.

"And all you need is a gym but I doubt you know what that is." My smile is bigger now...the anger I have towards this man is never ending.

"Judge...if you let her go she will never bring this to court again as well as never speaking about the topic of Wonderland ever again."

"What?" I say in disbelief. "You did not just-"

"Quiet Jamie please." William pleads

"Well dismissed...for good." He happily states while banging his gavel.

And just like world is shattered.


"Honestly William I can believe you did that!" I yelled while trying to walk away from him as fast as I can in these stupid heels.

"You mean prevent your arrest!"

"No you ruined my chance of having my family's name cleared you know how much this means to me!"

"And you think that's worth life in jail? Laury doesn't favour you and he'd do whatever it takes to have you taken away for good, so stop being stupid and accept it for what it is!"


"Cool..." I say turning away from him.

"Look Jamie I'm sorry but I just think you should give up...I didn't mean to be so harsh I just care that you don't end up like your family members."

"William...anything would be worth it to protect my family and generations after."

"I'm sorry." Will says looking down at his shoes now. "Well...would you like to go for coffee later?"

"Why would I do that?"

"Because apart from being your lawyer I am your fiance and maybe we can fix this situation."

"How  can we fix this when you got my case terminated? You aren't making any sense William!"

"Jamie come on."

"Bye Will." I say as I head to my car.

"Jamie think about it this way, you grew up being bullied because of them and this "wonderland" that doesn't even exist and they practically embarrassed you your entire life so you should count this as a favor cause unlike them I'm trying to help you not to look like a fool!" He screamed.

"My family will never be an embarrassment to me...I'm not even going to waste my time."

"What do you mean you aren't going to waste your time?"

"I'm still going to defend my family and i don't want to embarrass you so I think we should call things off." I say giving him his ring back.

"Jamie Don't do this to me." He pleads as I sit in my car and rolled up the window

"Jamie please...stop!" he screamed pounding on my window.

I drove off as quickly as I could. As much as I love him we wouldn't work and he'd probably be embarrassed by me anyways so it makes no sense staying because then I would embarrass myself.

About ten minutes later I found myself in a park, just to settle my mind a bit. The weather was overcast with a slightly icy breeze and the leaves were blowing off the trees. It's probably going to rain soon.


I looked down to see a black kitten next to the bench I was sitting on. I love cats so naturally I tried to be it's friend. 

"Hi there." I say as I gently move towards the other bench. Her fur looked nice and clean and her eyes were purple. I've never seen a cat with purple eyes before. If anything she might be a rare breed.

She jumped a little but she allowed me to gently rub her head. We spent a good minute or two playing a little enough for me to decide to adopt her; but suddenly she ran away from me.

"Aw come back." I said still sitting.

She looked back at me ran a little more and looked back at me again almost like she wanted me to follow her. Which I did.

She ran all the way to an odd looking tree to the far end of the park. It's bark was black and it's branches were small and curled and at the bottom was a hole big enough for me to fit in.


The kitten rubbed against my leg purring and walked into the hole and peeped her head out. 

I bent down and reached my head in the whole to try to get her out but then suddenly the dirt caved in beneath me...

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