21. Months Fly By

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Halloween was three days away, and it was Magnolia's time to shine. Halloween was her favourite holiday, and every year her family would go all out with decorations. This year, the task was given to her. Elton was dragged out all day with her going from store to store, and by three in the afternoon, the small family Honda Civic was filled to the brim with anything and everything Halloween.

"This is crazy, Maggie!" Elton shouted as she steadied the latter Magnolia was standing on. She clipped on the final light and sighed happily.

"I'm all done! Coming down now!" She shimmied effortlessly down the latter, landing with a soft thump. "Finest work I've done in years," She smiled widely, stepping back to get a full view of the house. "What do you think?"

Elton stepped back with her, looking the house up and down. "It's...something alright." From every corner spiderwebs and bats hung, the garage door was covered by a giant spider sticker, pumpkin lights hung from the eavestrough, and longing the steps up to the doorway were four carved pumpkins.

Magnolia clapped happily. "It's beautiful!" She smiled at her masterpiece. "Hey, since Halloween is soon, do you think Bella would want to come over? Like our own little party while we hand out candy," Elton grimaced. Magnolia's face dropped. "What? What is it?"

"I mean...Bella? Really? You think she's in the mood for this?"

Magnolia sighed, looking down at the grass. "I don't know. I just want her to be happy again. I don't want her wallowing over Edward. You don't see me wallowing over Ja-" She stopped herself as tears prickled behind her eyes. Just by saying his name caused her so much pain and anger.

Elton sighed. "Let's get inside, huh? Watch some scary movies. That always cheers you up."

"Yeah...that sounds nice." He took her hand, leading her back into the house.


"I think I should go see her," Magnolia abruptly sat up from her bed. Elton glanced up at her from the floor, giving her a quizzical look. "It's been a month since we've talked, Elton. I'm worried about her."

Closing his sketchbook, Elton turned to face her fully. "Don't you think she would've called you if she wanted to talk?"

Magnolia huffed, crossing her arms like a pouting toddler. She knew he was right, but she couldn't help the nagging in her brain. She needed to see Bella. "What if I go with some cookies? Charlie can have some too, so it's not obvious I'm there for Bella."

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