The Fall of Kings

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"What's going on, why is it so dark in here"Jack said as he was tied up to the chair. Just then the lights flashed on. In front of Jack there stood a table and an empty chair right behind it. "Well, well, well." "If it isn't the third greatest YouTuber of all time....."said an anonymous voice in the dark. The voice started walking towards him. Out of the dark a tall dark figure moves into the light to reveal himself as Cleveland Works. "Top of the morning JackSepticeye"said Cleveland. "I guess it's not exactly morning but I couldn't resist.  Such a pleasure to meet you." "And you are......?" Jack says. "I am Cleveland Works but that hardly matters to you. "The real issue you have right now is how you can get out of here in one piece." A low pitched growl comes from a dark corner of the room. A Demoner steps from the darkness. "Why am I here?"Jack says apprehensively. "You are here because you are good at what you do". Cleveland says. "You are one of the three kings of YouTube". "I am not the king of YouTube. There is no king of YouTube"says Jack. "Oh, but there ARE."says Cleveland. "There are kings and queens of YouTube. You sit on your throne in a castle which we call a channel, from which you talk to your subjects, giving them directions and purpose, they pay homage to you by purchasing merch and liking to videos. When a peasant steps out of line in the comments section, you ban them from your kingdom, all while sitting in your castle, safe from harm." Another D-moner steps from the shadows. "Thats a lot of power Jack." Cleveland continues. "23 million followers is larger than the top 10 armies COMBINED. You really have no idea how problematic this could be. It's too much power in the hands of someone like you." "It's not about POWER, its about making content. Good content that people want" Jack says sternly. "Ha ha ha, my boy you still don't get it. Oh well. It will probably be easier for your pathetic brain this way. Ignorance is bliss."
A Demoner steps behind Jack's chair, releases a switch and begins to roll the chair toward a large steel door. Cleveland walks next to the chair and places his hand on a touchpad at the door. There is a muscle home as the door slides open. The room on the other side has much more light and it causes him to squint as he is wheeled through the doorway. It's hard to see at first but as his vision clears he realizes the room is full of scientific equipment. There are also two people in chairs similar to the one he is tied to and they are unconscious.
    "What is this?!"yells Jack. "Calm yourself Jack. They are not dead, just unconscious. Each step in the process is very taxing on the brain, so we look to rest a bit between sessions." Just then one of the men in the chair starts to cough. As he slowly raises his head Jack realizes who the man is.  "Say hello Mr. Pewdiepie, although I doubt he will be much of a conversationalist. He's about half way through processing. And Mr Markiplier over there has just gotten started." He flips a switch and silver balls beside his head shoot electricity into his ears. Then Markiplier screamed in pain as the electricity stung his brain changing him. Jack looked on in horror but as for Cleveland he just smiled. "Process? What process??"says Jack, the fear now obvious in his voice. "The reprogramming process." says Cleveland gleefully.
        "I'm using this machine to take control of their minds. You see, once I control them I control all the followers and eventually the world". Jack starts to struggle frantically against his restraints. As two more silver bars lower from the ceiling and are positioned by his head. "Save your strength " sneers Cleveland. "Your gonna need it!" Cleveland then flips a switch and watches as the two metal balls charge up. Jack looks up at the two metal balls in fear and says "You won't get away with this"shouts Jack. "Oh, but I believe I have."says Cleveland and then he starts walking away. "Cleveland. Cleveland come back! I'm not done with you!!!"shouts Jack. "Goodbye JackSepticeye."whispers Cleveland as the metal door closed slowly on Jack. "Clevvvvvvveland!!!!!"echoes Jack just as the metal door slams shut.

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