She's beauty, she's grace and she'll punch you in the face

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Grace Winchester daughter of Dean Winchester was conceived on the night of April 7 2001, the thing is Dean had no idea until the day of grace's mother's passing. grace's mom was an angel her name was Anna Milton. Anna and Dean did the deed on numerous occasions before dean found out that Anna was an angel. She always kept Grace a secret Anna died when Grace was just 17 years old. Grace Winchester is now 18 and a few weeks ago she was captured by Crowley, he wanted to know were Adam is grace has no idea who Adam is or where Adam is and so the torture begins. Hit after hit cut after cut Grace is starting to feel weak Crowley would leave for 5 maybe 10 minutes at a time before the torture would continue. Her father Dean was panicking he was scared that his new found daughter wouldn't be around much more and there was still so much he wanted to with her, he called the best trackers he knows his mom and man of letters member Michael he trusted them both but he trusted Sammy more but Sam was half way across the states by now he was finding an important spell book that Sam and him needed. Sam was an amazing uncle but Dean couldn't tell him about grace being missing, Sam's task was important and Dean knew Sam would race back to the bunker to help him find grace. Marry and Michael got there as soon as possible once Dean explained the situation it was all hands on deck, they narrowed it down to 4 possible locations. As Dean's luck would have it she wasn't in any of those locations, but then Michael mentioned a 5th location so they hoped in the impala and went to that location which happened to be an abandoned factory of course it was. But they did find Grace she was banged up quite a bit but it was definitely Grace, Dean rushed over to her he started comforting her telling her how much he loves her and letting her know that it's going to be alright. Crowley suddenly came in Dean instantly went into papa bear mode, he was ready to kill Crowley. Dean beet Crowley to a bloody pulp  before preforming the exorcism spell to send Crowley back to hell where he came from. After that Dean's full attention was on his daughter he got her free of her binds and she slumped over in the seat. Dean picked her up and got her back to the Bunker it took about 10 hours to get Grace all patched up but to Dean it was definitely worth it. It took awhile for Grace's wounds to heal and it took even longer for her mental wounds to be fixed but to Grace it was just a bump in the road to life.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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