Zombie Apocalypse

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At the mall

Lisa pov:

"What flavor you want?"Jungkook
"Blueberry please"

"Can I have 2 medium popcorns with nerds for both of them.And can I have one Blueberry Slushie and one grape"Jungkook
"Coming right up"Lady

"Thanks for paying Jungkook,you really didn't have to "
"Its nothing, anything for you"Jungkook

This feels like A date..
Oh how I wish...

"Here's your stuff Lis"He said handing me my snacks.
"Thank you!"

We then headed over to the movie even tho it doesn't start in about 20 minutes.

We like to get the best seats.

"Sit on this seat ill sit here"Jungkook

We then took some pictures just flexing being the crackheads we are.

"Haha why is your face like that!"Jungkook
"Says the one looking like a duck!"
We both then laugh...

"Aish can you two be quiet, there's other people her too"An old lady behind us said while hitting me.

Why is an old lady watching a zombie movie?There's gonna be like a whole lot of loud noises and flashes...

"Sorry Aunt,We'll be more quiet,right Lisa?"Jungkook squinted his eyes telling me to say yes.

I didnt wanna because she hit me with her bag...
How rude..
Pfft..Respect your elders..
That doesn't mean they have the right to disrespect you...

"My apologies Grandma,Did I disturb your wrinkles?"
"Yaaah Lisa!"Jungkook
"What did you just say!?!?!?"Old lady

She was about to hit me but more people came in.

"Aighr,You better watch your mouth young lady"Old lady
"And you better watch your b-"I was cut off by Jungkook stuffing popcorn in my mouth.

After a while the movie then started.


As everyone was screaming me and jungkook were laughing at the zombies eating the people.

I dont know...A weird kink?

All of a sudden the lights switched off causing everyone to scream making my ears bleed.

"What the hell?"
"Aish its just a blackout,you wanna scare them?"Jungkook
"Haha you know what im thinking?"
"Oh yeaaah"Jungkook

We then started stomping our feet making zombie noises.


We then both sat on our seats avoiding getting pushed by people predicting their way to the exit.

After a while it was quiet meaning everyone left.

"Haha that was great!"Jungkook
"Yep!I wish we could've seen their faces!haha!"

We then heard a noise and even tho we both couldn't see,we knew we both looked at each other.

"RUNNN!!!!"We both yelled.


Okay well..

I just found out my principal died from a heart attack😰
We dont know any further details but we heard he already suffered from the flu and was ill.
I just wanted to say thank you for guiding our school and im much appreciated to all your effort.😔

R.I.P 💜💜💜💌💝

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