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a little boy, maybe around the age of 6, ran around his backyard and played by himself. he seemed to be happy looking around at the birds and trees. his backyard was pretty small, but it seemed big to him. it was fenced off with with a high wooden fence to keep anything in the forest outside from the little yard that contained the boy. the boy wasn't even supposed to know there was a world beyond the fence but, there was a small hole he could pear out of, which just so happened to be his favorite thing to do.

while the young boy stared out the hole and at the beautiful set of trees all he could imagine was being able to leave the fenced in yard and go touch the soft looking green stuff that laid on the floor of whatever it was outside the fence, or the tall brown things with all the green at the top that turned into a pretty orange yellow color in the fall. his favorite though was the little pinks, purples, and white looking things that he was pretty sure were called flowers.

you may be wondering, 'why doesn't this kid know what grass, trees, and flowers are?' well that would be because his parents have isolated him from the real world. they have taught him everything he knows, which isn't much, but just enough to get him through life. like basic math, how to read and write, and so on. his yard and inside flooring are all carpet, the parents in fear that the little boy would hurt himself. they had the entire place baby-proofed. his room probably the worst, there's nothing in there except a bed that laid on the floor and a closet with no doors that held all his clothes. his room walls a light baby blue and yellow with no windows and his door having the lock on the outside since there was no door handle on the inside. his room being used to lock him in when he's been bad. he absolutely hates his room.  

but why are his parents raising him like this? well to keep him safe from them. but we don't talk about that. 

"thomas! it's time to come inside!" a short woman with nothing but black for eyes called to the young boy from a glass slide door. she had a hourglass body but was a little on the chub side, having puffy cheeks with big lips and being darker skinned. 

"I'm coming mommy!" the little boy said before running over to his mother, grabbing his stuffed bear in the process with a smile. 

"thomas! what did i say about running!" the lady raised her voice at the young child and crossed her arms, getting a little, "im sorry.." from the little boy before she let him inside where he ran to his father.  

his father being a tall, pale, male with light brown hair that stuck up. he picked up the kid and gave him a hug with a gentle squeeze. "hey, kiddo. dinners done." he said as he set the kid down. 

"oki!" the little boy said happily and went to the kitchen. he sat in his seat he always sits at with his bear sitting in his lap. his parents followed him into the kitchen, the mother sitting down at the table while the father making everyone plates. 

"hey mommy? what's the green stuff on the ground growing under the fence? it looks really pretty!" he said happily, his mother giving a shocked look. 

"what do you mean? don't touch that stuff! it's poisonous and will hurt you!" she said with a annoyed yet scared voice. the little boy sank in his seat with a little sad nod as he hugged his bear, his father setting the plates on the table in front of the other two.

"what's behind the fence?" the boy asked quietly, barely looking up at his parents, not even when his mom banged her fist on the table and angrily told him to shut up and never ask again. 


time passed and the little boy was sitting on his bed crying, his bear being hugged to his chest. he felt trapped and alone. it took him forever to finally fall asleep due to him thinking he was seeing stuff, a black figure standing in the corner of his room would disappear just as fast as it would come but he couldn't scream for his parents. they wouldn't hear him but it would. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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