Cayetana and Valerio

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Walking from her car to the hallways of Las Encinas she couldn't help but notice to see everyone on their phones. Rebeca quickly showed Tori what was on her phone and she couldn't believe what she was seeing.

The entire school was looking at Polo and he pulled out his phone to see that someone had tweeted from his account "Of course I killed Marina. Did you still doubt it? :)"

Tori saw him walking down the hallway and noticed his hand covered in blood and she saw that Cayetana was about to approach him, but stopped her. Grabbing her arm Cayetana said "What the hell are you doing" getting out of Tori's grip. "Right now he needs to be left alone, Ok?"

"Maybe you should leave me alone" Cayetana tried to catch up with Polo. Tori was quick and got in front of her and have her a warning look to not even think about going after him.

After school Rebeca was walking with Tori and saw Samuel looking at Carla and knew something was still between them. Even though she has seen the way Rebeca looks at Samuel.

She let Rebeca go ahead and talk to Samuel. After seeing Samuel walk away Tori approach Rebeca "So....what?"

"He said we're gonna study at his place in an hour"

"Yeah study" Tori teased her. Rebeca gave her a slight shove and the two went their separate ways.

Tori got home and saw that her mother was there. "Uh...hi mom? What's wrong? Why are you here?" Tori did feel slight resentment against both of her parents for just leaving her with nothing but just money supporting her so she didn't understand what her mother could possibly ask for.

"I have ran out of money...and your father isn't helping me anymore."

Tori rubbed her hands on the side of her temples. She knew exactly why and where her mom's money has been going. "Let me guess you have no where to stay because you lived beyond your means...again. And that you turned back to drinking....again. Now you want my help after asking for father's when he refused...AGAIN! Now I can see why you both ended the were just after his money and when he didn't want to give you what he wanted you abused him until he did"

you were just after his money and when he didn't want to give you what he wanted you abused him until he did"

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"No you don't understand Victoria he abused me too you have no idea the half of it. I just need some money to find a place"

Tori didn't want to give in on her playing the victim card when she has done so, so many times before. " Fine. I'm giving you 5,000 to get out of this house and out of my sight to find a job and a place of your own" And with that she gave her mother the money and left.

This is the kind of shit she has been dealing with all summer of top of Polo's problem. She broke down right there at the door the second she closed the door on her mother. She knew that she had to get up and put on a mask because she promised her friends she would show up to Yeray's party at the club.

Getting dressed she thought about all of the things she has been though and how Polo was the center of all of it. She didn't want to blame him, but, she had to find something bad about him to make her not think of the Polo she once knew and loved.

Once she got to the club everyone greeted her with smiles and hugs. Asking where she has been it was not like Victoria Reyes to show up late to a party. After getting settled down everyone was enjoying their drinks some more than others. Samuel was pissed for some reason and Tori was already upset, but Rebeca being Rebeca had to point it out in the most blunt way "Holy. Shit. What's with the long faces ? Come on let's get on the dance floor" She was about to pull Guzman and Tori to the floor when she saw who was at the front."You got to be fucking kidding me" she said

"That motherfucker" Guzman added

"Ok let's go grab some more drinks. Come on let's move and calm down. It's alright" Tori said while pushing everyone away in a different direction.

As the night went on Guzman and Samuel went off to do their own thing when all of the sudden Samuel was no where to be found. Guzman on the other hand was giving Ander more of a hard time for no reason. Come to find out Ander was sick and decided not to tell anyone.

People were enjoying their drinks and the night was going some what smoothly until there was another tweet from Polo's account "Being a murder isn't easy. I even tried to kill myself"

Tori looked down at her phone disappointed and confused on who was tweeting these things on his account because Polo was here but there was someone else she noticed too.

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