chapter siete

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(at target)

"scar,  can i pleaseee get some cookies and cream ice cream?" trey asked.

"okay, fine you can get your ice cream. please stop begging me already. the whole time i was driving you were complaining about your damn ice cream." i said.

"damn girl, it wasn't that serious." trey said as he held his hands in defense.

"i know" i said laughing, "i just wanted to see the way you react"

we exited my car and started walking towards the entrance of target. i really wanted to make something really good, and something that we would all actually eat. not just anything and not even eat it.

"alright guys, imma go look for some fruit, so that i can make a fruit salad" i said cheekily.

"imma go  with her" brandon said as i was already walking away.

"alright imma go with trey and look for some ice cream" nick said. and then they skipped to the ice cream section.

"so um, fire outfit by the way" brandon said.

"um.. thanks" i quickly replied. i don't know why, but i didn't wanna talk to him. i was just a little shock from this  morning.

"i'm really sorry about this morning by the way. that's not how i usually am.  i just think that i was so, i-i dont know. you know what never mind. i'm just very sorry about what happened this morning." he nervously chuckled.

"brandon, it's all good. i understand what you were trying to say. believe me it's hard for me to just keep my hands and eyes off you"  i nervously said.

"well, good. the feeling is mutual"

"yea, i guess it is" i said smiling back at him.

just as we finished our conversation, we approached the fruit aisle.

"okay, so what fruit did you wanna do for your fruit salad? mangoes? peaches? strawberries? blueberries?"

"um.. yea all of those sound good" i laughed " but maybe we should get alot more that way trey's house is stocked. so that when i come over i have enough fruit to eat." i smiled.

when we finished putting the fruit in the cart, we just decided to stroll through the aisles and see if we would find anything that we could make into a meal.

we were having a really good conversation about each other. we talked about our families, his talents, how he became a part of the band, how he met the guys, and how he just likes his experience overall.

brandon was not really what i expected, to be honest. he was so sweet, and he has such a passion for music and  his family. the way he talks about everything is so cute! and he didn't really seem like the brandon i had just experienced this morning.

"okay, so what's your full name brandon?"

"ughhh, scarlet" he said annoyed.

"what brandon? come on, i'll tell you mine if you tell me yours" i said smiling and wiggling my eyebrows at him.

he sighed in defeat "okay, fine!"

"yayy!" i said clapping my hands

"okay, it's br-"

*annoying iphone ringtone*

"sorry brandon, hold up" i said as i got my phone out of my bag

"um, hello?"

"ayo, scar where you at?" trey said through the phone

"i'm here in the frozen food section"

"okay, we'll meet you and b there"

"okay, bye."


"okay so where were we at? oh yeah, you're name ." i said wiggling my eyebrows and putting my phone away.

"so my full name is, brandonmichealleearrega"

"huh? say it again just not so fast. okay? okay."

he puffed out a breath of air "brandon micheal lee arreaga" he said as he rolled his eyes.

"aww , cute! you're lucky you have 2 middle names. i only have one, but alot of last names. however, i only go by one of them."

"dang girl, what are you? a latina?" he said laughing.

"uhhh.. yeah i am. "

"okay, name?"

"fine." i puffed out

"it's scarlet rose hernandez"

"now, that's simply adorable" he said smiling

not gonna lie, he looked so good saying that. he looked good in the shower and here right in front of me.

to get me out of my thoughts i made up a lie. yes i know i'm such a horrible person.

"brandon, my feet hurt. is it okay if i get in the cart and you push it for me? please?"

"yea, sure. do you need help getting in? "

"nah i should be good" is said trying to get in the cart. but i failed because im only 5'3.

"okay, i might need a little help." i said laughing and soon brandon helped me.

"i figured, shorty" he slightly laughed.

It's her.  Brandon Arreaga FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now