Are they Happy or just good at Deceiving?

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Chapter 5: Are they happy or just good at Deceiving?

Brooke still couldn't believe she had managed to get Wyatt to come with her. She didn't even realize she had the courage to ask him. She thought maybe he would say no. He was into Addison, right? Or was that just her doubt trying to take over?

The truth was Brooke never really talked to many people. She didn't have the courage to even make friends, let alone meeting a boy. The only reason she was friends with anyone was because of Addison. Addison gave her the confidence she needed to at least befriend Eliza and the others, and from there on she had a few friends.

But a boy? Talking to a boy? A were-wolf boy for that matter, that was another story. Still, at least her confidence helped her in the long run. She had quickly changed out of her cheer uniform, sliding into a pair of cutoff jeans and a pink tank top, throwing a pink cardigan over it. She slid into her flats and quickly found Wyatt, who was standing around the locker rooms waiting. People watched him from afar, wary of him, and he simply growled at anyone who got close enough. She smiled softly as she told him to follow her, and they headed into Seabrook.

"I thought the anti-monster laws meant we couldn't come into Seabrook?" Wyatt asked as he followed her through the streets. His eyes scanned the entire city, looking around everything. He had never been into the city. He had seen it from afar but had never been in it. It was big, bigger than he thought, but quiet. It seemed to be a very quaint city.

"Only at night. My aunt Missy had some sense knocked into her. See?" She motioned to the zombie and human that were chatting near a coffee shop. "Bad rules are meant to be broken. And I thought monsters didn't follow the rules?" She asked, turning to look at him. Wyatt smirked. "And besides. They wouldn't get half the work done at Seabrook Power if zombies weren't allowed to work." She added.

The little cart came into view. Sure, there was a few froyo shops, but she knew Wyatt wouldn't be welcomed there, and she didn't want all the eyes on them. Coach was still giving out his froyo. "Hey Coach!" She called once he turned to look at her.

"Hey! Miss Brooklynn, what can I do for you today?" He asked with a grin, handing over the cup to a little zombie girl before turning back to them.

"We could use something sweet to snack on, my friend and me. He's never had froyo, so I thought why not bring him to the best froyo cart in town?" She asked and grinned, looking at Wyatt, who stood defensively behind her. She smiled at him, trying to reassure him.

"Never had froyo? Well then today's your lucky day Mr... wolf!" The coach then spotted Wyatt; his eyes big as he shook his head. "Uh uh! Not happening!" He argued. Wyatt growled softly, but it wasn't out of anger. It was hurtful. He hadn't done anything to the poor man. Brooke frowned and turned to Wyatt. "One sec." She immediately moved to stop Coach from closing the cart. "Come on Coach!"

"He's a wolf Brooke! You shouldn't be around him. You know what your parents would think if they saw you hanging with one. They eat human flesh!"

"No, we don't. . ." Wyatt argued, and Brooke couldn't help but laugh. "Coach get a grip! He hasn't done anything wrong. He's my friend. Werewolves like to cheer and be on teams. Come on, you accepted the zombies, why not the wolves? He hasn't done any harm. The wolves may even give you more profit." Brooke explained to him, leaning over the cart. "Come on, Coach!" She whined. The Coach looked at her, before looking at Wyatt, who was just standing with his arms crossed, then back at her.

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