you deserved it..... - chapter 2

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He guys 

I know I haven't uploaded in a while and i am truely sorry about that.... i was going to upload last week but I forgot that I had camp so I uploaded 2day 

I can't say how sorry i am ...

I have exams on next week and i hav to study so I can't upload or write any thing this week or next so I have to uplaod late again sorry.... but just for you guys I will try and do as much as I can :)

so here it is chapter 2.....

*Chapter 2*

“thank you for coming Ms May” the principle told my mum but I only rolled my eyes. Everyone knows the only reason that she’s a principle is because she gets good money for telling the kids and teachers off. 

“your welcome, it’s nice to finally meet you” My mum said in her sweet voice. “yeah same to you, now to the more important part!” my principle said rather to quickly. See what I mean by ‘only doing it for the money.’ “so you are here because your child and Mr Douglas got into a fight during class” she informed my mum. “I see and I can tell you that my daughter will not do such a thing again” my my said. She really hated getting called from the school and asked to come and sort things out, she would rather do it over a phone call or something. “that’s not what I am saying” The principle said. “oh well then please keep going” my mum said but on the inside i was certain that she wanted to get out of there and go home. 

“well when I came in and I found Mr Douglas in the process  of kicking your daughter” The principle informed my mum on everything that happened. “that is absurd why is he still teaching here then? This won’t do. I could sue.” My mum got angry and started to bash her fists against the table angrily. “no need for that. I will only fire Mr Douglas, if it was his fault. That’s why you are here, to help sort the problem out” My principle said starting to get annoyed with all this arguing. “ok fine I will listen and wait here. But I am telling you that my daughter will never do such a thing!” My mum said starting to calm down. 

“Mr Douglas, could you please come to my office” The principle said on the PA system. “He will be coming shortly” she informed us. “yes and he should be ready to get sacked” my mum said. 

I haven’t said a thing this whole ‘meeting’ as the principle said it was. 

“there you are” The principle said to Mr Douglas who just walked in, and while he came to sit down he gave me a glare and then took his seat. “so care to explain what happened?” The principle said to Mr Douglas getting to the point straight away. The look on Mr Douglas’ face was priceless. It was a mixture of scared, anger, frightened and .... oh my gosh is that what I see in his eyes ?? omg i can’t believe it. Mr Douglas is in love with the principle it is so obvious. This is going to be more fun than expected, I thought to myself. Since he is about to get fired, I might as well tease him and make him embarrassed before he leaves. Mwhaha I am one evil girl I thought to myself before zoning back in to the conversation.

“well actually that bitc-” omg what did he say i was?? My mum looked at the principle then at me and all of us three were shocked and disappointed. Mr Douglas covered his mouth before he went any further. “what did you say my daughter was??” my mum said anger clear in her voice and on her face. “beautiful??” Mr Douglas tried to save himself. Well you better think again Mr Douglas, my mother will get rid of you for good this time. Hahahahahaahaa. “NO you didn’t you were gonna call her a bitch. I heard you and so did everyone else in this room.” my mum said. “that’s it Mr Douglas you are fired!!!!! first you go and abuse a student and then you call her inappropriate names” the Principle was fuming by now. “bu- b- bu-” he tried to say something but ended up with nothing. “there is nothing to say, you have 2 hours to pack all your things together and leave. oh and one more thing, I never ever want to see you in this school again..... Do I make myself clear???” The Principle practically yelled at him. “bu- b- bu” He tried again but nothing came out. 

“May I ask this one question please?” I asked the Principle. “only if it’s appropriate to this situation” She responded. “well actually it was a game that we never finished off and I would like to get an answer please?” I said “ok, fine” she said “ok so before Mr Douglas started abusing me, we were playing a quick game of ‘say the truth and nothing but the truth’ to get everyone motivated and in the mood to do work” I started to say. “go on” was all the Principle said to me. “well someone asked Mr Douglas a question and he never got to answer it.” I said again. “what was the question” The Principle said to me. “Ok so Mr Douglas you swear to tell nothing but the truth and if you lie nothing good will go your way?” I asked him with an evil smile. He sighed and then answered “fine yes I swear” “Ok so do you have a crush or like someone???” This is where the fun begins. “ummm well uhhhh” He looked uncomfortable with the question. To bad he swore to say nothing but the truth. “actually yes, I do like someone a lot” he answered “care to explain what she looks like?” i asked. “she has long brown hair, she is thin and very tall, she likes taking charge which is a turn on for me and she is the most beautiful person in the world.” he answered. “what’s her name and how do you know her?” I asked evilly. Now my mum and the Principle were very interested. “uhh actually she works with me and her name is Grace Brenda and she is the Principle of this school.” he asked fully embarrassed. “OMG you think I would go out with you?? that is a joke right??” The Principle was laughing. Mr Douglas was as red as a tomato “well-” he began. After about 20 minutes of laughing and humiliating Mr Douglas, me and my mum could finally leave but Mr Douglas had to stay for some reason. I wonder why?? 

When I walked out the door and the door closed I walked to the door to the room and put my ear on it and listened. 

“Mr Douglas, I would like to say my final words to you before you leave this school for good” The Principle said. “ok, go on please” he said, maybe he was hoping for her to ask her out or something like that. “well first off... I hope you find a good job and have a great future” she started her little rant. But you would never no what she said next. “well actually this school is better off without you... since we are telling the truth I never liked you, you were always so shy and to yourself it really annoyed me a lot” she almost yelled it at him. “well um is that it then?” he asked a bit offend and embarrassed that he actually likes her. “yes that is all, have a good day and good luck” she dismissed him. Oh shit he is coming out I have to run. So I did I ran tot he other side of the room to where my mum is. Mr Douglas walked out of the room giving me a death glare but my mum saw and gave him the finger which startled him a bit, but he walked off, which i’m guessing to pack his stuff before leaving. 


How did you like it ??

who guessed that the principle would say something like that??

keep reading and if u want comment fan and vote :)

also i love your feedback it makes my day :)

isabella xx

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