Chapter 1

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"Im sorry." I watched as my mom closed the door on me. I could have cried. She wasn't around to see, of course but Mom would always yell at me for crying even if I was alone. I stood up from the dusty metal floor of my apartment complex and started heading towards the park. It was dark and I had nothing but the moon as a light. I sat down at a near by park bench and laid down knowing she wasn't going to look for me. I touched the bandage on my face by accident and winced at the pain. I sighed and looked up at the night sky. I started to reach for the stars hoping that they would take me far away, but of course only a child would think that could really happen and I'm not a child anymore. At least that's what mom told me.

It's hot. The sun on my face forced me to wake up only to notice I had school the next day. I looked like a mess, she couldn't even let me pack my bags and now I'm going to have to walk to school in a bloody bandage and dusty clothing.
I walked around to see if there was any water fountains so I could at least wash my face but found only ones that were broken. I tried to wipe my face but it did little to nothing.
"Yashiro, I expected more from you. You know better than to come to school without uniform. Head to the student council, they should have some spare clothes there. This is your warning." I bowed as I closed the door. I heard the whispers and judgements of the kids looking at me. I tried to walk faster.
"Hello is the dress code committee here-" I looked I side but only saw a boy with glasses "yashiro? Why are you here?" I tried looking anywhere but his eyes because I knew that he was judging me to. "I..uh...didn't meet dress code I guess! Hah-ah-!" I laughed it off but my cheek started to burn. "Yashiro!" Akane came towards me and looked at my bloody bandage. "we can take care of the dress code later, we need to take care of that bloody mess and make sure it doesn't get infected." He ushered me to a chair and grabbed the medical kit in the closet. It started to burn more and more until akane finally he took it off. His face turned into a more serious and concerned face as he grabbed the disinfectant and poured some onto a tissue and started cleaning up wound. "So Yashiro, why didn't you come in uniform and why do you have a big bruise on your face?"
I hesitated with that question but I just decided to use the ones I use on my mom when she still believed them. "I forgot to wash my clothes yesterday and didn't have anymore uniform clothes and I fell." It was silent for a few seconds. "You fell, on your face?" .... "e-yes?" He grabbed a new bandage and started putting it on my face "you're lying." My eyes widen as I muttered to myself. "So what if I am, my mom believed it." "Your mom believed it huh?" He closed the medical box as I looked up at him. "Well you won't fool me. Let me get you your clothes and you can get changed. In the meantime who about explaining to me what exactly happened, yashiro." I gripped the hem of my shirt and sighed. "My mom." He opened the closet and looked over. "Your mom? What about her?" I bit my lip and softly spoke. "She kicked me out, so I went to the park and slept there last night." He grabbed something and closed the closet door "ah so that's why you weren't wearing uniform. Now, care to explain the bloody bandage?" My eyes widened as I was still fiddling with the hem of my shirt. "I uhm..I got hit with a ball yesterday..?" He walked behind me. "Nope try again." "I fell?" "Nope. Yashiro. Why won't you tell me what's really going on? I want to help you." I bit my lip harder to the point where I thought I was going to draw blood until I felt a hand on my shoulder. "It's fine if you don't want to, I think I've pushed you enough." I mentally let out a sigh of relief and looked up only to see a male uniform "akane?" He set the shirt, tie, and pants down on the table and leaned on the table. "We didn't have any female uniform sets to this will have to do for now. I'll let the administrators know about your situation at the moment but we will promise to keep it confidential and not give you any special treatment. As for where you will be staying. You can stay with me." My eyes widened once more as I stood up. "B-but what about your parents?! What will they think of this idea?!" "My parents will not mind at all, once they know they will gladly take you in, plus we have a guest bedroom so it'll work."..."I hardly talk to you akane. Why are you being so nice?"... "even though we hardly talk I know you are a good person at heart and I know you shouldn't be treated like this. And we will get to know each other more once we start living under the same roof." I'm not going to cry. Crying means your a child and I'm not a child anymore. "Thank you so much akane" i went and hugged him as appreciation and he softly smiled and hugged back.

"Uh, akane?"
Akane turned around and examined me in the male uniform. "The pants are a bit to big on you but over all it looks pretty good. What do you think?"
"I think I might get dress coded for this, are you sure it's really okay for a female to be wearing a males uniform?"
"I mean it's not against the rules so what harm could it do? Is there anything else you need? A belt? A cardigan?" I put my hands up in protest "n-no I'm think I'm good for now, thank you." Just as I started to get my things the bell chimed
"Well yashiro, time to head to class." He gathered his things as I got mine and he made his way to the door only to open it. "Shall we go now, yashiro?"
I smiled softly and followed him out.


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