Chapter 2

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"Yashiro, Can you please read the next paragraph?"... "y-yes sir!" Everyone was looking at me, more the male uniform I was wearing. I began reading but when I was just about done I got a paper ball thrown at me. Nobody seemed to notice, not even the teacher so when I sat back down I got it from the floor and read what was inside. 'Meet me in back allyway of the school, after school. Don't be late.' My blood turned cold. If I try to run they'll just catch up to me and make my punishment even worse. I couldn't focus the rest of the day.

The bell chimed. The last bell of the day. My stomach started to churn and I thought I was going to throw up until I heard the voice a familiar boy. "Yashiro! yashiro! We need to head home now." How could I forget? I'm living with akane now. I ran over to him excitedly and a bit worried about what might happen if I don't go after school. "Yashiro, are you okay? You look a little pale." He felt my forehead for a fever Im guessing. "You don't have a fever, I'd there something you're worried about? If you are worried about living with me I can assure you are in good hands." I shook my head. "I'm not worried, I'm fine akane! Now let's go!" To say the least, I'm terrified. I'm terrified of the things they'll do to me once they realize I'm not going to meet them in the back alleyway of the school.

The sunset looked amazing, from where I used to live with my mom I could never see it as the buildings covered it. We walked for a few minutes more in the hot evening air until we finally came to a stop. What stood in front of me was a big house. Not to big where it would be considered a 'rich' persons house but enough room to hold a family of 5. We walked through the gate and akane unlocked the door to reveal a traditional but modern house hold. "This is my house, sorry if it's a bit messy, I didn't expect anyone to be coming today!" It wasn't messy at all. The only thing that could be considered messy were the shoes on the doorstep not being on the shoe rack. "Yashiro, let me show you to your bed room." I walked up the stairs with him and he walked me to a very simple but amazing room. The sent of dust and the light pouring in through the window. The room had a bathroom, dresser, desk, a bedside table, and of course the bed. "Akane, my book bag is at my moms house. Can we see if we can go get it? I think she's still at work right now?" Akane nodded and we started to walk down the stairs.

"Yashiro, how will you get in if you don't have a key, you say your mom is still at work correct?" "Yes but we always keep a key, in the mailbox." I looked in and saw the key that mom told me to use only for emergencies. We both walked in and saw the house clean. To clean. We walked to my room and saw everything was gone. All of my clothes. Shoes. And other things I kept in my room. The only thing that was there was the empty bed and a desk. "I can't believe would do this..." I was sure that my book bag wasn't going to be here. "Yashiro, you keep your books in your locker right? The important ones we need for class?" I nodded "well if you do we can just replace everything else, if the school won't get you what you need, I will." I looked at him in disbelief as he said that and hugged him once again. I bit my lip and help back a long deserved cry.
We headed back to Akanes house and decided that we should take a shower before dinner. I didn't oppose to the idea considering I slept in the park all night and was very sweaty and uncomfortable. Once inside we went upstairs again and he handed me a towel. "The shampoo and everything else you need is already in the shower, as for toothbrush and toothpaste you can find a brand new tooth brush in the cabinets. tell me if you need anything else, okay?" I looked at him in surprise "akane, how do you have all of this?" He put a hand on his neck and smiled shyly. "My family is a bit wealthy and so we have all the basic necessities like for grooming and all that stuff. Unfortunately we don't have any clothes but you can use mine in the meantime! Let me just-" he walked in a room next to mine and came out with a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. "When my mom comes home I'll see if she can uh give you something to wear under the shorts.." he had a light tint of red on his face as we looked away, handing me the t-shirt and shorts. I placed them and top of the towel. "Thank you so much akane! I hope that I can find a way to repay you somehow!" He put his hands up in protest and shaked them. "N-no worries yashiro! It's the least I can do!" I smiled and thanked him again before I headed to the bathroom.

"It looks like the bruises are getting worse." The bruises they gave me. When I did absolutely nothing to them. I started the hot water and removed the bandage on my face. "This is starting to look batter after akane disinfected it, should I ask akane to help with the other bruises and wounds I have or would that be asking to much? Would he ask me more questions?" I stepped in the shower and it felt like all my worries were being washed away with the dry blood and the sweat on my body.
It felt as if I was in that shower for an eternity until I heard a knock on the door. "Yashiro? This is akanes mother, I came to bring you something to wear under the shorts Akane gave you, ill leave it on the bed for you when your done with your shower." It was a bit muffled but I could understand. "Thank you ma'am!" A few seconds later I turned off the water and grabbed the towel that akane gave me. It smelled nice. I opened the door to bathroom and walked out to the bedroom and saw what akanes mom left me. I put it on and just as I was about to walk back to the bathroom I heard the doorknob turn. "Yashiro, my mom says it's time for dinn-" we looked at each other for about a second and he immediately shut the door. "IM SORRY YASHIRO I SHOULD HAVE KNOCKED!!" At this point my face was burning and I just laughed "it's okay akane!!! I'll be down in a minute let me just get changed!!" I heard the thumbing of the footsteps as Akane ran down the stairs and I laughed to myself. It was the first time in a while that I have laughed like that and I'm glad it was because of him.

"Hi yashiro! This is my mom! And my dad is still at work so he won't be joining us today." Akanes mom waved at me and smiled. "Please, take a seat!" I sat down next to akane and looked down at the plate of food. It was so pretty! It looked like a professional chef did it or something! I heard akane giggle "go on yashiro!" I grabbed my fork and took a bite and when I did I realized that I haven't eaten. I was almost done with my food when akanes mom offered more, I declined because I was already full. I never had the biggest appetite and I normally wouldn't finish this whole plate but considering I haven't eaten I scarfed it all down.

"Thank you for them meal!" Me and Akane both said we his mom took away our plates. I was very satisfied and felt as if I could melt into a puddle of goo until Akane leaned over and whispered "yashiro, you have bruises on your legs?" I was shocked and forgot the bruises I had on my legs. I use y'all wore long socks or tights so even I didn't pay attention to them. "I- uh..." I got up and ran up the stairs. "Sorry but im going to bed now! Thank you again!" I slammed the door behind me and hid under the covers. I obviously wasn't going to bed anytime soon.
I looked up at the ceiling not thinking of anything in particular until I heard the door open. "Yashiro? Are you sleeping?" I turned over and looked at the boy standing by the door. "No.." we walked over here carrying a box. "That's good, let me help you real quick' he sat down next to me and opened the box later to fine out it was a medical kit. With only the light coming in from the door to see he put bandages on the bruises. It was quiet. It was peaceful. The only sound being his light breathing and the sound of the medical tape. After a few minutes he closed the box and stood up. "That should do it, we don't have any school tomorrow but I suggest you get some sleep." I wanted to say something, but he starts walking away so my actions spoke for me. I grabbed the back of his shirt and he turned around to look at me as I looked down. "Can you stay...please...?" I couldn't see his face well but I knew he smiled at my words. "Yeah. I'll stay." He put the medical box under the bed and came into the bed with me. He covered the both of us with the sheets. His breathing was soft and calming. Tears filled my eyes but they didn't fall. As he shifted to his side I curled up and put my head on his chest as he put his chin on top of head. The room became brighter, had the room finally decided to shine? Maybe. Or maybe, it was the stars because they saw a reason to shine brighter.

Suddenly, I feel like the stars can really take us away, far way.

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