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Terry's p.o.v. (age : 17)

I was on patrol around New Gotham city Graduation had come and gone, but I wouldn't be turning eighteen for another two months. Dana had gone off to attend some college in Asia. Yes I loved her but who knows about what I might feel about her when she returns so we broke up and decided to remain friends. Meanwhile I was still working with Bruce both as Batman and in my normal everyday life. But right now he's in the hospital for his hip surgery day after tomorrow so right now my eye's and ear's back in the cave is right now...."Careful Terry trouble comes when you least expect it" Dick informed

"I know Sir" I told him

"Ease up on the newbie hey Terry after patrol why don't we guys go out for a drink forget about our troubles" Jason said

"Shut up Todd, Mcginnis doesn't need that tomfoolery in his life" Damian spat at Jason

"Guys will you calm down the kid is trying to concentrate "Tim sighed

"Stay out of this Drake/Tim!" Damian and Jason shouted in unison

I groaned it was like this because neither of them could agree to who'd be watching me while Bruce recovers. So in the end this happened. "But I do agree with Jason on this you've been working pretty hard lately you are still human and plus you need to relax Terry so I think a night out will be a good thing especially since you just left high school" Dick told me

"No the pretender shouldn't be doing such things" Damian hissed

"Take a chill pill Bub" My brother Matt said

He recently took over the role of Robin a few weeks before graduation. I'm still ticked off that Bruce did that without consulting me first. "But Red Hood is right bro besides you need a woman in your life since Dana left" Matt told me, "Who knows maybe you'll even have a kid or something"

"Robin" I growled

"What I want to be an uncle before I kick the bucket" Matt defended himself

I rolled my eye's at this comment. "Look Mcginnis I don't have a partner and never needed one, But as my unfortunate half brother I do have to agree with Matt" Damian said

"Well looks like we have a set plan for Demon spawn and Rookie" Jason said I swore I heard him smirking over the coms.

I sighed as I wrapped up patrol for the night. To be honest it wasn't that bad a few muggings, an attempt at robbery, and one attack from the Jokerz. Other than that it was relatively quiet tonight. At the time I didn't know that my world would get flipped upside down after that night.

Once I changed back into civvies Jason dragged everyone but Matt to the car. Matt had to stay behind because of homework and plus he was underage so he couldn't come anyways. "So Dami, Terry see anyone of interest?" Dick asked

"Tt no"Damian tutted

"Not really" I answered

"So how's life going for you guys out of work?" Tim asked

The mood turned sour instantly. "Kori is fine she's still looking for Mar'i though." Dick said

Yup Dick, Jason, and Tim are father's but several years ago Mar'i Grayson (Nightingale), Eliot Todd(Scarlet Bat), and Angelica Drake (Black Egret) went missing on a mission for the Justice League. They were dealing with Klarion witch boy and no one's seen them since. They've blamed themselves for it ever since. I knew that I would have to keep my kid far from this world of heroes and monsters as I could.

Then over in the corner I saw a woman with grey almost silver hair she radiated powerwith every movement she she made. "Woah" I said staring at her

"Well go get her" Jason said said shoving me forward

I shot him a glare that he just laughed off. I sighed and walked up to her. "Hi" I dumbly said to her

"Hey yourself" She smiled before her face turned into a deep frown.

"Am I disturbing you?" I asked concerned

"No just family issues" She said.

This started us on a long talk and a relationship that lasted a very long while. Three years to be exact. And yes Damian found someone that night as well and had a son Mark Thomas Wayne he's now a year old. The woman I'd meet that night according to Doctor Fate was Chaos herself but people like him and Klarion served under her brother Order who hated his sister with a burning passion. But she was expecting a baby our child for the sake of everyone's safety we didn't get married and yes I knew about Gaea, Nyx, Tartarus, and the others that Chaos has had over the years but those were born to keep balance of over everything in the multi-verse.

We didn't know how a child between the two of us would turn out. But we'd soon find out since she was right now in labor. During my time with her I tried to find the missing member's of the batfamily but her brother left no trace of them anywhere.

But my mind strayed from that as I heard my name called. I saw Chaos with a tiny pink bundle in her arms. It was a little girl with silver hair her skin had a natural tan to it. "So what should we name her?" I asked her

"Mythirel Elros Tar-Minitar will be her name to the world of magic but for a normal name How does Chris Evalyne McGinnis sound" Chaos smiled at her

"Sounds perfect" I smiled

Then an explosion rocked the building. "Show yourself sister!" A voice roared

"Order but how....?" Chaos asked

"Go I got Chris" I told her taking Chris from her arms.

"We are evacuating the hospital Sir get out of here now." A nurse ordered me ushering me and Chris out of the room Chaos's clothes changed into her hero uniform, Silver. She's been my partner with Nightwing(Matt) for the past two years.

I clutched Chris to my chest as I ran to the Car. I got her to a safe house and waited knowing that it wouldn't be wise to get in between two warring primemordials. After a few hours Chaos showed up. "Is she...?"

"Chris is alright she is a surprisingly quiet baby" I told her

Her face turned grim. "I have to return to my throne My Brother threatens war but it would be an opportunity to find the children of the others. Chris must remain here with you the last thing I want is for her to be involved in my world but when my brother learns of this he'll stop at nothing to get his hands on her." Chaos said grimly

"Hey I can handle to I'm Batman after all" I told her

"But she needs to hidden she could turn the war in my brother's favor I have to leave Terry or else Chris and you will be at risk of being slaughtered by my brother's hand. I couldn't" Chaos said

"It's fine I have help besides everyone knew this would happen one day" I told her

She gave me a sad smile and gave me a gauntlet to put on Chris for when she get's older along with a necklace to remember her by. "I hope to win this before my brother discovers her existiance" Chaos told me.

I could only hug her good bye before she vanished. Leaving me with tear stains on my shirt and a child that was only a few months old. But I knew that she left to protect our daughter from her brother. "Chris I can only hope that you never end up like me or be forced to do what your mother does" I told Chris as she slept in her crib

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