Chapter One

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Warning, not for children. Possible gore and violence, maybe smut. Children beware!!!

Since I’ve landed in hell, I’ve never really been exposed to much evil. I mean, I know everyone here deserves to be here, but the only person I’ve witnessed to be evil is the man I work for. Well, half man. Demon, I mean, and half snake. It was weird at first, how he seemed so normal in this world full of creatures but, to have the body of a snake and arms like a person, it just didn’t look right. 

Now, I guess I’ve gotten used to it. The look has grown on me. In a way, when I look at him, he looks perfectly natural. Almost like, his body fits him. His personality fits with his type of species I guess. Oh, well, I suppose I’m lucky. If it weren’t for him, I would have be-

“Y/n!” I hear his raspy voice come from down stairs. I tense quickly from both fear and surprise. “Yes, sir! On my way!” I say in a louder voice so that he can hear me. I jump up from my chair and make my way downstairs, running as fast as I can. Once I get to his lab, I find him covered in smoke and not looking amused by it. “Yes sir?” Pentious growls and grabs my collar, leaning over me with an aggressive look. I gasp quietly, my heartbeat, in my throat  “You gave me the wrong vile.” He says aggressively. I swallow. “I- . . . I’m sorry, I thought I gave you the right one.” Pentious squints. “Oh, is that right?” He asks sarcastically. “C-could we just check, I swear I-” Pentious cuts me off. “Is that you saying I am wrong?” He asks, seeming to be getting more angry which is scaring me. I shake my head. “No, no, sir, I-” Pentious speaks over me again. “Good, now get Zephine, now!” He releases me and I run out of the room, heading to the vile cabinet. 

On my way out, I heard his voice. “Get the right one this time!” He demands. I sigh, looking through the cabinet and trying to find it but it’s not there. I smile slightly. “I was right.” I say quietly to myself. I inhale a hitching breath, trying to be brave before then closing the cabinet door and making my way back to the lab. I walk in to see Pentious underneath a huge machine, using a wrench with his tail curled up. His hat is on a nearby chair and seems to be sleeping. “Sir, I gave you the right vile.” I say, holding my arm gently. “Hm?” Pentious slides out from under the machine and stands up straight then slivers over to me very quickly. “Do you take me for a fool?” He asks angrily, his eyes, glowing a little bit. 

I shake my head. “No, but sir, you can look for yourself.” I say. “It isn’t in the cabinet which means I already gave it to you.” Pentious growls and grabs the vile, which was nearby, shoving it in my face. “What does this say?!” He asks aggressively. I look at the vile with the folded label on it. “Zephi.” I think to myself, then I unfold the label, revealing the rest of the word. “Zephine.” I said softly. He looks at it with a confused expression. "Oh. . then . . . next time, make sure the label isn't bent." He says, his tone, much lower and calmer. I nod and sigh, from the tone of his voice, I can tell he probably feels bad for yelling at me. 

Pentious sets the vile down. "Y/n . . . clean off my desk." He says in a calm tone. I nod and walk over to the mess of a desk. It's covered in messy sketches, chemical formulas, and evil plans. I smile softly, then start to clean it off, remembering my father had a messy desk like this one. How he was always coming up with ideas to help people or entertain others. Pentious looks over at me, then the papers. "Make sure to not to wrinkle them." He says in a kinder tone. I nod and carefully gather them, setting them in their organized boxes full of paper. "Despite his short temper, I kinda like working for him." I think to myself then smile, knowing how much of a nerd he is from just looking at the papers. 

*A few hours Later*

I mix the bowl of chile, knowing Pentious likes it but doesn’t want it too spicy, I make sure not to put in too many spices in it. The smell had filled the room and in the kitchen, I hear his slithering behind me. He leans over me just slightly, not being too much taller than me. He leans his head over my shoulder, flicking his tongue at the chile. “Smells good.” He says, then sighing, walking over to the fridge to get a drink. I smile and nod. “It sure does, thanks by the way.” Pentious freezes. He growls, seeming to be slightly flustered. “Hey! T-that wasn’t a compliment! Just a fact, just . . . don’t screw the food up, I’m hungry.” He says, leaving the room. I smile softly, knowing he isn’t as bad as he seems. 

I finish up and pour the chile into a bowl, just one bowl since I’m not hungry. I set the bowl onto the table, then got silverware and a cup. I pour a glass of two percent milk into the glasses before then walking over to the stairs. “Dinner’s ready!” I say kindly, knowing in just a few moments, he’ll come slithering up as fast as he can. Moments pass yet I don’t hear slithering, not even an answer like ‘In a second!’. I start to worry, knowing he never stays this quiet. 

I made my way downstairs, walking into his work shop to see Pentious had fallen asleep at his desk, still holding the pen in his hand. I smile softly. Walking up to him and admiring the sweet and innocent look on his face before then gently shaking his arm. “Hey, wake up, dinner is ready.” I say kindly to him. One of his eggs walks up to me. “The boss hasn’t gotten much sleep lately. He’s been waking up late with nightmares, miss.” He says to me. I nod in understanding. “I see.” I whisper to him. I then pull his chair back, waking him up from his arms falling off of the desk. 

“Ah!” He jumps up, his eyes, red and tired looking. He sighs, breathing a little harshly. “Dammit! Don’t do that!” He says softly. “I’m over 3,000 years old, you could have given me a heart attack!” He says angrily. I sigh. “Sorry, You fell asleep, dinner’s ready and I was just waking you up.” I say softly. He slithers passed me, knocking me to the side. “Do a better job next time then!” He says, making his way to the dining room, slithering up the stairs. I sigh. The egg next to me smiles. “We know he’s a meany, miss, but he’s our family, there’s a lot to love about him.” I nod. “Yeah, I guess you’re right.” I say, knowing that deep down, I’d take a bullet for him. “Wait, would he do the same for me?” I think to myself.


So, yes, I rewrote the chapter and deleted the second one. I wanted to fix the mistakes and change it up. So, what do you think?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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