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Iris's POV

I pace the hospital floors of the waiting room. Its been a whole 2 hours of waiting here as Papa cries into Dad's chest.
Silas is sitting in between Colton and Orion as they wait patiently. My betas and Gamma are also seated here in the waiting room.
We had arrived in 4 different sports cars. Me and Colton in one and Orion and Silas in the other.
My betas came in their different sports cars,along with my female gamma Sandra Coldes, had also came as soon as she heard. She had first left to tend to the border patrol before she got here.

Colton stands up and walks towards me.
"Hey,I'm gonna get us some coffee" I nod, my hands in my pocket-i now had a shirt now, as he pecks my cheek and forehead.
He leaves as my phone rings.


I pick up,sighing softly.
"Iris?is that you?"

"Hello dear brother" I said in a deep monotone.

"Is Ainsley ok?I felt his pain from here Iris and if i were you,I would think before lying to a pregnant man" he said from the other end of the line.
I missed out some news,Evan is pregnant with their first child with Alpha Axel,the alpha of the cruel notorious northern pack. The most dangerous pack after the royal pack where Orion is from.

"We were attacked by rogues tonight. Ainsley got seriously injured and we're waiting here for an update here at the hospital" it was silent for some time.

"We're as soon as possible"

"No, what about-" he cuts me off.

"Axel?the baby?we'll be taking the first flight available. I'll be fine Iris." he said,a voice of determinance visible in his tone.

"I'm not letting my future nephew come in a commercial class plane full of strangers. I'm sending my private jet over along with half my royal guards" I growl back into the phone.

"Why do you need your guards though?" He asks.

"You're practically royalty cause you're my family Evan. Its for your safety,stop arguing and just accept my help..." He remains silent.

"Fine!" And with that he cuts the call.

I quickly called one of my kingdom pilots.
He was also a guard in training and very skilled at martial arts and weaponry.
I also send 1/2 of my OPP X team in a different jet.

The doctors walked out as soon as I got off the phone with my OPP X leader.

"Prince Ainsley's condition is critical at this point.
The wolvesbane managed to get into his left atrium.
We were lucky he didn't fall into a coma. We removed the amount of wolvesbane found in his bloodstream but doing 2 operations on his body for a day was too risky and we've just put his body into a self healing spell that could stop the bane from causing more damage. We think that maybe venom from a royal vampire could drain out the blood from his body along with the wolvesbane. This will make  Prince Ainsley have vampire or if possible,a full vampire" just then,Colton walked through the door with coffee trays.

"What did I miss?" He asks as we all stare at him.

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