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"Don't leave

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"Don't leave." The quiet plea resounded throughout the apartment, and suddenly the living room felt a bit too small, a bit too suffocating.

The large hand that found its way onto my wrist was gentle, as if scared of hurting me, yet heavy with unspoken desperation and longing. I pushed down the lump in my throat that threatened to rise, ignoring the way his touch was setting fire to my skin.

"I..." I internally cringed at how my voice failed me, praying that nobody noticed the slip-up. I turned my body around and, placing my own hand on his, opened my mouth as if to say something, but was interrupted.

"I'm scared of forgetting you." He confessed, slowly, his words slurring together as the alcohol coursed through his system. "I think of you every day but, I'm starting to forget what you look like. How did her eyes look when she was happy to eat dinner with me after a long day of work? How did her lips turn whenever I surprised her and she got mad at me for scaring her? Sometimes it all - we - seemed like a long dream."

As I looked down at his pitiful state, the image of him smiling suddenly came to mind. Pushing the unwanted thought away, I willed myself to be as cold as possible - for both of our sakes.

"It would be better if this were all a dream. That way you don't have any expectations." At my words he looked up at me, his face crumpling slightly. A shaky breath, but nothing else came out of him. Just a little more.

"This time, let's truly never meet again. Bye." Without turning to face him, I looked ahead and shook off his hold. His sobs began to fill the apartment as our ending overwrote the many moments of intimacy that once took place where we stood.

Without even putting on my shoes, I walk out the door and down the path, pushing past the gate. Despite the tears that welled up and threatened to obscure my vision, I forced myself to continue, knowing that our scene had come to a close. With this, we were over and everything had ended. I looked up at the night sky and slowly let my eyes close, feeling the brimming tears well over and make their way down my cheeks.


On command, the bright lights suddenly dimmed, and I let out a breath I didn't even realize I was holding. I brought my face back down and smiled in relief, thankful that we wouldn't have to film a retake. Jeez, it's actually pretty cold out.

"Great job everyone!" The director yelled, and everyone on the other side began to cheer. The movie we had been shooting for the past four months was finally able to be wrapped up.

My makeup and style team tackled me crying and laughing, and I couldn't help but hug back and let out a laugh, all while wiping my tears away. After all, this had been my family for almost half a year - from the early morning shoots to the late A.M. debriefings, we had all been through so much to make this project the best we could.

My makeup stylist was currently scolding me about my habit of licking my lips whenever the camera panned away from me (which would wipe away the lipstick that she would so meticulously apply and re-apply again during each scene change) while my manager was handing me a pair a slides and a winter parka to wear when I heard a voice behind me.

"You've worked hard, noona." I turned around and was faced with a pair of crescent eyes smiling back at me.

I let out a small laugh at his cute words, ignoring the white puffs of smoke that came out of my mouth as I did so. Looking at Jeno in front of me, I noticed that he was still wearing the same outfit that we shot the scene in - a simple sweater and slacks. Clicking my tongue, I stepped forward while undoing the scarf around my neck to wrap it around his.

"No matter how happy you are to finish filming, you shouldn't be so reckless. If you get sick, I'll be the one getting attacked by your fans," I reprimanded, all while Jeno blinked back at me.

At his silence I looked up into his eyes, raising an eyebrow. I let out a hum to emphasize my previous words, and Jeno seemed to snap out of whatever haze he was in.

Breaking out into an even bigger smile (which I didn't even think was possible), he brought a hand up to touch the scarf.

"Thank you. And," he paused to let out a chuckle. "Don't misunderstand, noona. It's not that I'm happy to be done filming, it's more like I'm excited for our movie to be released to the public."

After a short pause, Jeno shyly spoke again, a bit quieter than before. "If I could, I wish we could start filming from the beginning again. It was really fun working with you."

I laughed at the actor's cuteness, wrapping the jacket a bit tighter around myself.

"When you first start out in the industry, everything is fun. How nice," I mused teasingly, thinking back at my own major film debut. I should get bangs again, I got a lot of compliments back then.

Jeno chuckled at my words, raising an eyebrow. "If someone were to hear you, they'd think you were decades older. You're only two years older, noona. Not even!" he emphasized, crossing his arms.

I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket, notifying me that my manager had brought the van and was waiting for me to leave the set. When did they leave...? I didn't even notice they left my side... I started to turned around to walk off set, but not before turning slightly to give Jeno a wave goodbye, motioning him to go inside.

"In terms of acting, I'm way older. You're just a kid, so just act like it. Get home safely!" I called.

"You're coming to the wrap-up party later tonight, right noona?" Jeno called out, and I gave him a thumbs up, not stopping.

I sighed as I walked off set, rubbing at my eyes. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and glanced at the notifications that covered my lock screen, one in particular catching my eye. Unlocking my phone, I called my manager.

"I'll be at the car in about 2 minutes. What time is the after-party again?"

"10. You still have about 3 hours. Should I drop you off at the usual? I'll pick you up at 9:30."

At my manager's knowing words I smiled.

"Yep. Thanks."

a/n: annddddd chapter one is done! haha i tried to make it as realistic as possible so i used the term noona, which is what younger males to say to older females :) 

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