Chapter 11:No

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Chapter 11: No.

Naru smiled as she stood outside of the academy waiting, she ignored some of the glares and mutters, the doors opened and the kids poured out, Misaki came out with a few of her new friends she had made, she smiled at Naru and ran up yelling a goodbye to her friends, Naru hugged her.

“Ready to go home?” she asked, Misaki nodded and held her hand and both headed back home, Naru looked down at Misaki who had a small frown on her face.

“Are you okay?”
“Yeah.” she smiled at her. Naru looked at her as she continued to frown slightly, they made it home and Misaki walked to her room, Naru frowned confused.

“Is she okay?” Tsunade asked.

“I don't know, she would barely talk to me.” she said and sighed, she started to head to her room but there was a knock on the door, she opened it and smiled at Iruka standing there.

“Hey, can we talk?” he asked, she blinked and walked out with him, they sat down in the yard.

“What's up sensei?” she asked.

“Did Misaki talk to you?” he asked.

“No …. why?” she asked.

“She got in trouble today...”
“Why?” she asked.

“She got in a fight.” he said, she looked at him shocked.


“They were practicing and she was doing really well and a couple of her friends asked how she was so good with the weapons and she said while you guys were traveling, she got specially trained and she talked to talk about the akatsuki and Itachi....” he said and sighed. “Anyways, a group of girls came up and made fun of her.” he said, Naru looked down upset. “I came in and saw Misaki had the one pinned to the ground punching her. “From what I understand she smarted off about you and said something about Misaki...” he said, Naru hung her head and rubbed her face and sighed. “I'm sorry Naru.” he said.

“No, this is my fault.” she said and sighed, she stood up. “I need to check on her.” she said.

“If you need anything, just... come get me.” he said, she nodded with a smile and walked away from him and back inside, she leaned against the door.

Tsunade looked at her and walked up. “Is everything okay?”
“No, she's being bullied.” she said quietly, Tsunade looked at her sadly, Naru sighed and walked back to the hall and opened her door quietly.

Misaki sat sniffling on her bed quietly holding Kiki in her arms and Kuky laid next to her, Naru came in, she rubbed her eyes. “What mom?” she asked, Naru walked forward and scooped her daughter up in her arms and sat down.

“Why didn't you tell me?” she asked, Misaki whined and began to cry, Naru held her close and rocked her daughter as she sobbed. “I'm so sorry.” she whispered.

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