Chapter three: Meeting Elijah (Elijah's POV)

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"Will you shut up about your new friend five fucking minutes" I scowl at my sister who's currently sitting in the passenger seat of my white Maclarine F1 as I drive to the Vipers warehouse. You see I'm the gang leader of the most dangerous gang in the country. My gang members are Johnny (my second in command), Chris (my tech guy), Allaine (assassin/seductress), Chloe (spy/assassin), Henry (in charge of the weapon/ammo) and the youngest members Lilyana (my sister/assassin) and Jacob (Lilyana's twin brother/ gunman). The Vipers spread all across Europe as well but the main bases are in New York and Spain.

As we got out of my car Lily mentioned how she's trying to convince her friend to come to my party, I think her name was something like Phoebe I don't know and couldn't really give two flying fucks about her she's probably some bimbo trying to get into the gang like all the others. "Are you even listening to me" Lily groaned snapping me out of my trance. "No" I say in a bored tone and with that I walk through the warehouse doors. "Sup boss" I hear from everyone besides Johnny. "Um boss we have a slight issue with one of our local buyers" Johnny sternly says, "well why don't we pay him a visit then shall we, who is it this week" I say sinisterly. " Eric Jade". Let the fun begin.

"According to his tracker (we implant in all of the buyers while they're 'testing' our products and high as a kite) he's in the Grey Grand Hotel" Chris informs me. "How fucking stupid is this druggie by going to MY hotel while being behind in his payments" I chuckle. Once we arrive at the hotel Jacob and I storm straight through the plaza and into the elevator. Room 10A floor 9 ''Chris said into the ear piece I'm currently wearing. Smashing the buttons and impatiently waiting for the elevator to reach the floor it finally stops and the elevator doors open. "We have to be smart, he could be pinging and have a weapon" I quickly say to my brother before making our way to the hotel room. "For fuck sakes the cunt has removed his tracker" I growl as we barge into the empty trashed hotel room and see the tracker covered in blood. "Come on let's call Chris to meet us somewhere to discuss a plan, I know a great cafe down on main.

We arrive at the cafe and sit down. I hear the door swing open, worrying that it's some dimwit wanting to 'kill' me I peek over my shoulder to realise it's a waitress who seems to be late for work. "Hi there, my name's Phoenix and I will be your waitress for today" I hear the waitress say. "Well isn't it miss I don't look where I'm going" I say in a snarky tone. "Last time I checked you were also not looking where you were going". "Damn boss are you really going to let her talk to you like that" I hear Jacob chuckle. Angrily I got up and strided out of the cafe with Jacob closely following behind me. Fucking bitch who does she think she is.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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