End Of The Game

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One day comes to an end, as the sun rise from its throne the crowds and royals gathered again for the final day of the game.

Rou family was one of the early crowds who sat on their respective seat as they chat happily about their niece and daughter.

"I still can't believe that girl made it through inside the military even though at first she looks too weak when she bravely said she will go instead of her brother ah but look at her now" Aunt Rou sigh in appreciation and looked proudly at the arena especially on her niece side

"Indeed sister my daughter for some reason changed not in her attitude to us but her strength in martial arts even though she has a Yang energy" Rou Cheng agreed even though somehow after her daughter came back many things have changed and he had the feeling that this changes in his daughter will also change everything that is happening to them

Rou Cheng starts his suspicion on the day Rou Hua Heng give a temporary medicine that can alleviate his son's poison. How come his daughter have a rare medicine on her hand?

Nevertheless, even though he was curious on what is happening around his daughter he was proud and will support his only baby girl on everything even though some of the things were hard to believe.

"I never though that my cousin is so strong ah if I remember during our duels this cousin is the weakest and always smack by my wooden sword hahahaha" Rou Wentao laughed

"Hehehe but this time I think you will be the one to be smacked by her wooden sword in the future" a childish feminine voice chimed in

"Ehh?" they turned around and so a beautiful girl wearing green and white hanfu giggling beside her was a man in black robed with a stone face

"Ohh? You came so early too, Xier" Aunt Rou was happy to see Ning Xie

"I came early thinking that Aunt Tang and uncles come early too" Ning Xie happily replied

Beside her, Ying sneered as he remembered his morning hell experience as he tried to waked his miss as what she ordered at him yesterday so that she will come early. Seeing his miss replying happily like a chirpy bird, his right hand throbs again as the bite mark of his miss is still imprinted on it like a tattoo. A cute teeth mark his mind said before he erased his nasty though.

"Are you mocking me? Even though she is strong now she can't beat me" Rou Wentao rebuked

"Heh, didn't you see how mighty and strong my sister is?! You're probably blind and hallucinating yourself that you can beat handsome sister of mine with your martial art ah"

"You? You're tongue is too evil no wonder no man wants to marry you"

"You?! Just because youre a tiny bit handsome you though you can have a bride with that childish attitude of yours!"

"You're the childish one not me I'm manly!"

"Manly my foot! You're just a kid!"

"You're an old hag! How come you're not married yet!"

"Because I'm too young and don't call me old hag, you brat! My husband is only right besi-"

"Beside who?"

Ning Xie stopped her sentence as she clamp her mouth as she almost said something embarrassing. Her face becomes red as cherry.

"Is it Yi-Ouch! Woman how can you throw me your metal fan!"

"Just shut up!"

The elders who are amused on the bickering of youths were laughing inside. Seeing that Ning Xie is ready to throw another thing on Wentao, Aunt Tang chimed in to stop the two.

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