KunSa - Watch

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requested by: Gummybearick & Licauco

"woah, kun is that you?" the familiar figure turned around to face me.

as our eyes met, my face lit up.

"it's been a while since our last meeting." he exclaimed approaching me with a smile. i returned the smile but it faded soon as he ruffled my hair.

"we just met, why would you do that!" i only heard chuckles from him so i just ignored him and tried to fix my hair.

"so what are you doing back here in shanghai?" we started to walk around the mall once again going wherever our feet take us.

"i got invited to cover a magazine again." eventhough it is a good opportunity for me, i still couldnt feel any joy regarding it.

it was supposed to be my day off this day but because of this invitation, yg accepted the invitation right away and sent me here.

"lisa?" i looked up at kun to see a worried expression written across his face, "what's wrong?"


"you dozed off and you seems like you're not happy at all, what's wrong?" we stopped walking as i faced him.

"it's just- i want to rest and all but it seems like my schedule doesnt cooperate with me at all." i pursed my lips together as his face softened.

"at least we met again right?"

a smile crept up to my face as he chuckled, "now that's the lisa i know and miss."


did i hear that right? or am i hallucinating?

i shrugged it off but i still felt my cheeks and ears burning. why?

"so what are you doing here at the mall?" i got snapped back to reality when we stopped walking infront of a restaurant.

"nothing to be honest, i just wanted to walk around a bit."

"well do you want to eat lunch first? what time is the photoshoot?" i hesitated a bit at first but i felt my tummy growl. he probably heard it too as he looked at me stopping himself not to laugh.

"at 2 pm."

"great! we can eat anywhere, where do you want to eat?"

"anywhere is good."


"you were right, that meal was so good." a burp left my mouth making me shocked and cover my mouth right away.

kun snorted and fell into a fits of laughter, "that's all you can do?"

a long and loud burp left his mouth making me shocked and look around.

"kun! everyone's looking at us weirdly." i covered his mouth still looking around.

i turned to look at him and my eyes landed on his.

his stares are... weird?

they're looking at me with a blank yet full of care in his big pupils.

i looked down at my hand that is covering his mouth and removed them immediately.

i can still feel his stares piercing through so to avoid any awkward moments, i pretended to look at my watch.

"i-its already 1:30, i gotta go now."

i immediately stood up and bowed at him.

as lisa rushed out of the door, i just chuckled and took a sip of my milkshake.

i checked the time in my phone and shook my head.

12:47 pm

and she thought that i didnt notice that she's not wearing any watch.



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