Fubuki Sumiye x Reader

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[A/N: Feel free to send in requests for any beyblade character. Hope you enjoy this.]

Word Count: 1449

[Your POV]

You were hanging out with your brother Suoh. "Hey Suoh?" You asked. "Yes [Y/N]?" He asked looking at you confused. "When do you think I'll meet my soulmate?" You asked curious looking down at the words imprinted on your wrist. "Hopefully sometime soon. Whoever it is will be lucky to have an amazing girl like you." He said coming over and hugging you. "Thanks bro. I love you so much." You said hugging him back. "I love you too sis. And I'm here for you. Just so you know I have a friend coming over tomorrow so you can meet him." He said. "Ok." You said glancing at your wrist again. 'Hey. You must be [Y/N]. Suoh has told me about you.' was all your wrist said. You covered it and headed up to your room. "I'm going to head to bed Suoh." You said. "Ok. Goodnight little Flower." He said. "Night my Two-Faced bro." You said laughing at the nickname. You could hear him laughing too. You smiled and fell asleep. When you woke up you sat up and got stuff for a shower. After your shower you walked downstairs to find breakfast on the table and Suoh talking to a blonde with red eyes. "Morning my Two-Faced bro." You said. "Morning little Flower." He said. "Hey. You must be [Y/N]. Suoh has told me about you." He said. "Hey. Yea. I'm [Y/N]. Who are you?" You asked a smile playing at your lips. "I'm Fubuki Sumiye." He said. You looked down at your wrist to see it glowing. He looked at his to see it glowing too. The two of you smiled and hugged each other. "Hey Suoh. I think I found him." You said laughing. "It looks like it. Now Fubuki I just ask that you take care of my sister." Suoh said threateningly. "Don't worry Suoh. She's in good hands." Fubuki said. "And besides. You know I can take care of myself." You said your right eye glowing from behind your hair. They were a little freaked out until the glow went away. "Now who's 'Two-Faced'?" Suoh teased. "Shut up. At least I don't go two-faced on my friends." You said. You realized what you said and covered your mouth running up to your room crying. 'I wasn't supposed to say that. He's gonna hurt me now.' You thought to yourself crying. You heard two pairs of footsteps running towards your room so you climbed out the window into a near by tree and sat there and cried. You watched as they looked around in your room for you. Fubuki looked out the window and saw you. He climbed out into the tree and hugged you. "Shh. It's ok. We were worried about you. And Suoh has to talk to you." He said calmly. You slowly calmed down as you leaned against Fubuki. You climbed back into your room and walked over to Suoh. "I'll leave you two to talk alone. I'll be downstairs." Fubuki said walking away. "I'm sorry Suoh. I didn't mean to say what I said earlier." You apologized. You expected him to hit you but instead he hugged you. You hugged back surprised. "It's ok. I guess you're right too. I've used my other side against my friends when I shouldn't have. Promise me you won't make the same mistake?" He asked. "I promise. Now let's go downstairs and join Fubuki. I smell food." You said laughing running down the stairs. You heard Suoh laughing behind you when suddenly you were lifted up. "Ah!" You screamed. You looked down to see that Suoh picked you up on his shoulders. "Suoh!" You yelled smacking his head. "Hey! Stop hitting me!" Suoh yelled playfully. "Then put me down!" You yelled. "Your turn to deal with her Fubuki." Suoh said handing you to Fubuki. "No! Put me down Fubuki!" You yelled. "Nah. I think I'll hold onto you." He said laughing. "Fine." You grumbled. "What was that?" He asked. "Nothing. I didn't say anything." You lied smoothly. "I know you're lying. Now what did you say." Suoh cut in. "Dang it. I said 'fine' he can hold onto me." You said sighing. Fubuki set you down and hugged you. You hugged back. "I love you my little snowflake." He whispered in you ear. "I love you too my caring light." You whispered back. "Let's go train." Suoh said. "Ok." You and Fubuki said in unison. The three of you walked to the training room and battled. Fubuki and Suoh were battling when Suoh showed his other side against him. "Nonononono." You said to yourself. Just then Fubuki's bey was hit out of the stadium and towards him. You ran at him. "Fubuki! Duck!" You said pulling him down with you. You then rushed over to Suoh. "Suoh stop!" You yelled grabbing his arm. He threw you off of him scratching your cheek in the process. "[Y/N]!" Fubuki said starting to run towards you. "Fubuki stop. I'm fine I can handle him." You said holding up your hand to stop him. You saw his worried face and you gave him a reassuring look. He ran and hid in the corner. You turned your attention back towards your brother and saw his face contort. 'He's trying to fight it.' You thought. "Suoh. You can stop it. You can control it. But please stop. I beg you." You said calmly starting to cry. "I can't control it! Ah!" He screamed holding his head in his hands. "Suoh!" You yelled running and hugging him. He hugged back and you looked to see him back to normal. "You're back." You said smiling. He smiled and then frowned. "Did I do that?" He asked putting a hand gently on your scratched cheek. "It was an accident. You didn't mean to." You said holding his hand. "Where's Fubuki?" He asked. "You can come out now Fubuki. He's back to normal." You called to him. He came out and hugged you from behind. You leaned on his chest and sighed. Then you yawned. "Someone's tired." Suoh joked. "Hey you would be to if you had get my other side back to normal." You said your voice fading as you fell asleep leaning on Fubuki. When you woke up you were in your room and you turned to see Fubuki beside you still asleep. You leaned and kissed his cheek. As you pulled away you saw him start to wake up. "Morning my little snowflake." He said kissing you. You kissed back and pulled away. "Morning my caring light. Now let's go get breakfast. I'm starving." You said hopping up. You heard Fubuki laugh and follow you. You made it down to the kitchen and sat down. "Here's your breakfast [Y/N]." Suoh said handing you a plate. "Thanks Suoh. Your the best brother ever." You said starting to eat. "Your welcome. How'd you sleep last night. You were pretty worn out." He said. "Yea. You wouldn't let go of me when I went to set you down in your room." Fubuki said joining you. You blushed. "Sorry Fubuki." You said. "It's ok. Suoh came in after awhile to check on you and saw me in bed with you holding onto me." Fubuki said. "I'm sorry. I didn't realize it." You said covering your now flustered face. Fubuki gently took your hands away from your face and kissed your cheek. "You're cute when you're flustered." He said. You turned red again. Your eyes glowed before you started seeing a vision. 'Someone comes bursting in through the door and starts shooting. They killed Fubuki and Suoh in front of you before grabbing your wrist and forcibly kissing you before shooting your stomach.' "[Y/N]?" Suoh asked. "Get to my room and climb out the window. Stay hidden in the tree." You ordered running up to your room. "Get into the tree now. I need to grab my bow from my closet." You said. You ran to your closet while they ran to your window and into the tree staying hidden. You soon joined them in the tree with your bow at the ready. Then suddenly your door burst open and a man walked in with a gun. You aimed and shot. You pinned him to your wall with his gun out of reach. "Suoh call the police." You ordered. He nodded and called the police. They were here within minutes and took the man away. You turned and kissed Fubuki and he kissed back.

Beyblade Burst x Reader [Soulmate AU] (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now