Me and Jenny's wonderful story!

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Once upon a time there was an old, ugly, hairy monkey.

He loved to eat popcorn and the smell of fish.

He smelled fish whenever he did poop.

One day, he went into the bathroom and found a BIG HAIRY TOE LYING ON THE FLOOR.

He screamed and pulled out a chainsaw.

Then, he chopped off the toes nail and ate it, saying "yummer fisher."

All of a sudden, Miyu came in and saw the monkey who's name was Harrison.

Harrison froze and whimpered like a dog being chased by a wild turkey.

Miyu taxed him for not paying for the toe nail and using her chainsaw.

Harrison payed Miyu and went swinging on vines in front of the gazelles like a stripper.

Jenny walked in and said, "hey! Get off!!"

Then she whipped Harrison in the buttocks with an extra vine, while Miyu got some of Harrison's beloved popcorn, sat down, and watched with a smile :)

Harrison fell off onto a female monkey like him, but waaaaay prettier.

"Herro" he says.


Jenny yells at the pretty one and then she leaves him, whipping her tail on his face.

Harrison is now sad.

He gets angry and slaps Jenny in the face with his... his foot... foot hand thing.

Jenny whips around like this :O

"HA!!" Miyu yells with a mouth full of popcorn.

Ummm... THE END!!


This should be published. XD

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