Chapter 16

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Destinee POV

Sunday, January 21st, 2018

Ben had asked me to be his girlfriend and I couldn't be more happier, it was already like we was in a relationship but the title being there now made me feel better and by better I mean knowing that he is mine and no girl can have him makes me feel better because every time Ben go out I worry he is going to find another girl that's pretty than me and better than me.

Today I had asked Nia if i could get Taylin for a few hours, she told me yeah I just had to come pick him up cause she didn't have her car.

I just had on a tshirt and some sweat pants with my jordans.

"Ben im about to go get Taylin" I said yelling to him, he was in the other room playing his game

"alright be careful" he yelled back

I grabbed my keys and purse off the table and got in the car. Nia didn't stay too far from us so the drive wasn't long

I pulled up to her house and called her and told her I was outside, I seen her come out the house holding Tay car seat and his diaper bag so I got out the car to help her. I grabbed Tay bag from her and opened the back door for her

"thank you girl" she said to me

"girl it aint nothing" I said peaking at tay, I thought he was going to be up but he was knocked out like he had just got off work.

"he just went to sleep so he gone be out for a minute. oh and I just feed about 10 minutes ago and changed his diaper" she said

"okay I'll bring him back tomorrow so you can get you a lil break. see you later girl" I said hugging her

"okay and see yall later" she said hugging me back, she leaned in the car and kissed Tay and shut the back door

I got in the car and headed to get me and been raising canes. When I got there I ordered the box order or me and the caniac combo for Ben cause he was a fatass boy and got us both a dr. pepper

I pulled up at home and called Ben to come outside to help me but his dumb ass didn't answer so I called him again.

"what mane" he said answering the phone

"first of all check that tone and second come outside and help me before I throw yo food in this damn trash can" I said making him hang up fast so I knew he was gone come running out the house

and a couple minutes later he was at my car, I handed him the food and drinks while I got out the car so I can get Tay out the car.

we went to the room and been was already in there flipping through netflix eating fries.

"fatass boy" I said sitting the car seat down on the bed

"you like my fatass tho with yo skinny ass" he said turning on some movie

I left tay tay in the car seat so I didn't wake him up. I ate my food and watched whatever stupid movie been had playing he always watched stupid stuff

"ben what is this" I said to him

"how high 2" he said stuffy his face, he ate so fucking ugly like boy the food not going no damn where

as we ate and watched the movie Tay Tay started whining so I turned the car seat so I can get him. When he woke up all the way he just looked at me.

"hey man you miss me" I said to him making him smile

"I know you miss" I said laughing

"mane shut that shit up" ben said

"nah you shut yo dumb ass up" I said looking at him

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