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It was a calm day in the Steve Realm. Sabre left some time ago to do his own thing back in his world. Galaxy Steve and his new friend Alex made a little grave for him where they last saw him leave.

Galaxy Steve was going with Alex around the universes looking after them, what with no Elemental or Time helping him, he needed some help.

"Come on, slow poke!" Yelled Galaxy as he and Alex ran across an open field. They were trying to find out who was the fastest, walking-wise. They both knew that Galaxy was faster then her at flying.

Just then, there was lightning in front of them and Galaxy Steve skidded to a halt a little bit in front of Alex, unfortunately, not fast enough. Galaxy Steve knocked down someone.

"O-ow." He looked up. "Sorry Guardian." The ruler of the galaxies quickly stood up and held out his hand. "That's perfectly fine, Galaxy Steve." Said the Guardian, taking his hand so he could hoist him up off the ground.

"What were you two even doing out here?" He asked them. "Not important." Said Alex. "It's not important to you because I was winning." Muttered Galaxy Steve. "Anyways, what are you doing here? You never come out of the Spirit World without good reason." Asked Galaxy Steve moving back to put some space in-between them.

"Void Steve may or may not be back and wanting to destroy Sabre." The Guardian replied. "Well, Sabre's not here." Replied Alex.

The Guardian looked shocked. "Yeah. He left us. for a bit." Galaxy Steve said turning away and walking a couple footsteps away from the other two and jumped up, grabbing a tree branch as he did. He hoisted himself onto the branch as he made himself comfy.

"If Void is after Sabre, that means when he can't find him, he'll come to me instead and honestly, I'm not up to seeing or talking to him right now." Galaxy Steve relied. "Do you guys mind if I talk to Alex alone? It's one of the three reasons why I'm here." Asked the Guardian.

Alex didn't verbally respond, just walked away in a random direction. The Guardian followed her. When they were a good distance away, he said, "I'm worried that Void is working on something evil." "I honestly don't know who Void Steve is. I've never met him." Alex replied. "Good thing too. He and Galaxy are on different sides. Galaxy is the good Steve. Void is not." Replied The Guardian. "So?" He sighed. "Galaxy Steve may be in danger."


There was lightning near him and Galaxy Steve opened his eyes. He was just about to call out for either of his two friends when he heard a very evil voice. A voice he knew all too well.

"Oh Sabre? I know your here. Come out so I can destroy you!" He said in a sickly sweet voice.

He walked right under the ruler of the galaxies. Void Steve stopped for a few moments, not moving or speaking. Suddenly, he looked up and saw Galaxy in the tree above him. "G-Galaxy Steve?" Asked the Void. He nodded.

"Look, I honestly don't want to talk to you. I'm still scared of you." Galaxy Steve said as he moved his galaxy-colored hoodie sleeves down over his hands. Void took notice of that and looked at him with an emotion Galaxy Steve wasn't used to seeing on his face. What was it?

"Don't look at me like that." Said Galaxy. Void was confused. "Like what?" He asked. "Like a kicked puppy or the look Sabre always used to give to Rainbow. The 'what's wrong' look." He replied.

Void Steve knew what that little gesture was. "Are you self-conscious?" He asked. Galaxy only looked down and jumped off the branch.


Meanwhile, with Alex, she wasn't too concerned about Galaxy Steve's safety, she was more concerned what would happen if Sabre came back.

She voiced her doubt.

"I have been watching Sabre since he first met Rainbow Steve almost a whole generation ago. He has gotten out of whatever trap any of the evil Steve's put him or Rainbow in. He is smart. It would probably be better if he does make a comeback. He would definitely know what to do right about now."


Void Steve backed away but the ruler of the galaxies just kept walking toward him until Void's back touched a tree. He glared. "Get away from me." Galaxy arched an eyebrow. "Now, normally, I would be the one to say this." Void's only reply was silence. "Are you scared of me?" The thought dawned on him suddenly.

"Now, why would I ever be scared of you?" Asked Void Steve. "How are you here right now? I got rid of you." Asked Galaxy as the black and grey Steve pushed him away with more force then he meant to.

Galaxy wasn't prepared and he fell to the ground as Void Steve started hovering above him. "Where is that pesky Sabre?" He asked. "He's not here. That is all you need to know." Galaxy Steve said, walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 21, 2020 ⏰

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