Part 28

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"What is it?", Suga asked in his parent voice while Iwaizumi asked if something was wrong with Asahi.

"Asahi just wanted to see you all", Noya chuckled as everyone walked into the room.

"Guyyyyyyssssss", Asahi greeted his friends cheerful but then looked to Noya a little disappointed "you are right, we can't have sex all day when they are around!"

"What is happening?", Daichi asked perplexed as Noya agreed to what Asahi had said.

"He took his meds without eating and now they are kicking in and he is acting like a drunk", Iwaizumi explained for everyone to understand.

"Oh this is great", Kuroo grinned deviously and Yaku scolded him.

"Are you in any pain?", Suga asked his friend on the bed.

"Pain? No I am feeling amazing! I could only feel better if Noya would join me in bed and we-", Asahi was cut off by Akaashi.

"Yeah I am glad you are feeling better now", the younger boy smiled awkwardly at him.

"Damn Akaashi your voice is so amazing. I could listen to it all day! Would you mind reading me a story?", Asahi asked as he shoved another spoon full of cornflakes into his mouth.

"I can do that later", Akaashi chuckled lightly at the joy that his friend radiated.

"Uhhh can I stay and listen as well?", Bokuto asked.

"Of course you can man, it's always funnier when you are around. You are like a human puppy, everybody loves being around you", Asahi smiled and offered said boy a spoon.

"Aww man that's so nice", Bokuto teared up but still took the offered food.

"He is so honest", Noya bounced on the floor before he jumped next to his boyfriend "babe what about the others? Tell me about your feelings".

"I like Yaku a lot because he reminds me so much of Suga", Asahi grinned like a fool "also he is the only one able to put Kuroo into place and we need that".

"Hey", Kuroo spoke up.

"No offense man, I love how forward you are. You really have guts dude. I respect that!", Asahi stated and then looked at Kenma "also you are so cute when it comes to Kenma. I noticed how you always look out for him when he is here and how you are moodier when he is not that is so fucking cute".

"Really?", Kenma blushed and was Asahi's next victim.

"And Kenma! You always pretend to be antisocial but I have seen right through you my little friend! You have played volleyball for years just for Kuroo. Man that must be love! I am excited to dance at this wedding", he coughed up some of the milk he was drinking and then sighed "you make such a cute couple. Just as Oikawa and Iwaizumi. I mean Iwaizumi has been the most caring person ever. When do you get to hear shit like that, it's like straight out of a novel. Man you really are one prince charming. Well and Oikawa... I really couldn't stand you back in high school but I got that you actually just wanted your team to be the best and that makes you a really good captain and well... I really do love you now man. You are like really really cool and I really like your concern".

"Thanks I guess", Oikawa mumbled.

"But Suga is the most concerned. Suga is mom. I love him so much", Asahi grinned "and he makes Dadchi so happy. Like... the perfect pair. But Daichi could have shut up about my anxiety back in high school. He was a real party pooper back then. But he is cool now. I love him too. But I love you the most Yuu. You are the bestest of the best".

"You said that", Noya said and tried not to laugh as did everyone else around him.

"It's awfully hot in here", Asahi groaned and started to pull his shirt over his head but somehow got stuck and looked like a toddler that wasn't able to get dressed alone.

"Babe, please stay dressed, okay?", Noya snorted as he pulled his shirt back down where it belonged. And that was it. No one could keep a straight face from then on and they cracked up and fell to the floor laughing.

"Why are you all laughing?", Asahi pouted as if he wasn't in on the joke "what is so funny?"

"You are so adorable", Noya said as serious as he could but started laughing again as he looked at Asahi. His eyes were half lidded and he looked like he would fall asleep any second now.

"That's not fair", Asahi stuck out his bottom lip "you are far more adorable than anyone around and I am not laughing at you".

"I am sorry babe", Noya tried to hold back his laughter "I love you so much".

"I love you too, Yuu! This much", Asahi spread his arms from his body to motion the amout of love he held for his boyfriend "and one day I am going to marry you and we will live in a nice house and have some children and they might not look like us but I am sure you will get them to be just like you and I will love them so much and I will love you even more and maybe we can even have a dog and oh my god we will have such an amazing life and I really can't wait for that to happen and-".
With that he just fell asleep and left everyone else in silence for a few seconds.

"Is it just me or was that just now the cutest thing ever?", Noya turned to his friends with glassy eyes.

"That was definetly the cutest shit ever", Kuroo awed at him.

"Oh my god yes", Oikawa cheered then turned to his boyfriend
"Iwa-chan you never said that to me".

"Jesus Christ Oikawa", Iwaizumi chuckled "maybe you have to drug me first as well so I will spill all my hidden truths".

"You think he meant it?", Noya asked.

"Absolutely", Iwaizumi nodded "people that are intoxicated usually tell the truth".

"I am gonna tell him everything when he wakes up", Noya chuckled "but lets give him some room to rest now".

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