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-force talk-

Nobody's POV

"So, about those secrets..." Kanan started. His Padawan just sighed. Lila, seeing her brother's exasperated look, spoke for him. "I'll start. My name is Dalila Mira Bridger. I'm fifteen and I am Ezra's twin sister." She ignored the shocked faces and kept on. "When our parents were taken on Lothal we only had each other. We were doing alright until we turned ten. That was when the slavers moved in. About a month after they came I was out trying to russle up some food and Ezra had stayed home because he had been sick the day before. When I was trying to swipe something one of the slavers grabbed me. Apparently, they had been sweeping the town for girls who could possibly dance or sing. I kept my comm hidden so that night when they left me alone in a cell I was able to contact Ezra and tell him what happened and where is was so he could come get me before they took me away." Ezra now had his head in his hands and his twin was squeezing his arm in a comforting way. She was about to speak when Ezra sat up and began. "I was too late. She got off planet before I could get to her." His face was pale and he looked upset. Sabine has a question " But how could anyone who was even distantly related to Ezra here, not be able to escape in minutes?" Lila laughed, Ezra looked indignant. "Of course she could escape in minutes! But She had a slave collar and nothing to pick the lock on it with!" Before he could keep rambling his sister cut in. "Ezra, calm down. Sabine, I did get out, but I got out on a planet that nobody ever lands on unless for an emergency. So that is how I got stuck on this dismal planet called earth." There was a thoughtful silence until Kanan said. "But that is only one secret. You were acting like there are more." Ezra groaned. "I was really hoping that you had forgotten." -Ezra- He looked up straight into his sister's eyes, the blue/purple orbs sparkling the way his own did. -I think we can trust them.- she said. -ok, fine but you need to help me explain- He answered. Lila nodded.

Hera's POV

The twins looked at each other for about a minute before Lila nodded. What's that about? Ezra turned to us. "Our secret would be better shown than told so could you come outside?" We all got up and went outside. "Ready?" Lila asked. Ezra nodded. "Ready." "1, 2, 3." They both lifted up their hands and then jerked them down to their sides. The ground started to shake, Ezra wobbled. "You haven't been practicing?" Lila asked him. "Not exactly." Was his answer. Ezra lifted his hands again and it began to rain. He dropped them and it stopped. Now Dalila lifted her hands, then ground rose in spots and fell in others. She dropped them and it stopped. They looked at each other and closed their eyes, a look of deep concentration was on both faces. Slowly they rose their hands one more time. Water from a nearby creek began swirling into the air, the wind picked up and started to make the water twirl and spin, making the water take shape of different things. Both teens were breathing heavily. Suddenly, both of them dropped their hands and the water splashed the ground, the wind was gone, and the crew was silent. they opened their eyes...... to see us soaked. Lila snorted with laughter at the stunned looks. Ezra, with an apologetic look, waved his hand and the water went back into the creek. Leaving us as dry as Tatooine. Zeb was the first one to break the silence. "What. Was. That.?" Lila answered him. "That, my friend, is what you call-" Ezra elbowed her. "Sorry Ez, I shouldn't boast but that is called force shifting. Only a few have mastered it, and the only way you can use the power of force shifting is if you are born with it." At the words 'Force Shifting' Kanan's eyes widened. "But, the only two Jedi who could do it were Master Yoda and-" He stopped, realization on his face. "Mira Walker. Our mother. Walker was her maiden name." Ezra finished for him. And that, was when Kanan's mouth fell open.

Hey cowboys! Because of stupid covid19 quarantine I'm bored, so I'm going to update anytime my chapter is written. Please stay alive, stay healthy, keep reading, keep praying. Spectre 6 out.

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