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Harry sighed as he walked into his home. He was exhausted from the long day he had had. He had just flown home to the UK and visited with his family and some close friends all day. Now all he wanted to do was relax in his bed and possibly sleep for an entire night and day.

Closing his front door behind himself he hung up his keys on a decorative key rack hung on the wall beside the door. It had been a little bit since he had been to this house and as he looked around he felt a sense of distinctive coldness to the large, unoccupied home. Even with all the personalized touches he put into it when he had first purchased it, he just felt almost disconnected.

He knew he had been feeling it for quite some time now, but he wanted to ignore the nagging feelings because he knew if he thought about it for too long that his mind would wander to places he really didn't want to go just yet.

He also didn't want to admit the reasons for his feelings.

Sighing again he took off his shoes and wandered up the stairs to his bedroom. Flipping on the light he walked inside and began peeling off his outer clothes and going through his nightly routine. After crawling into bed he reached over his nightstand and shut off the light. Settling in he propped himself up on the pillow a bit and unlocked his phone, pulling up twitter to check some notifications. He was always overwhelmed at how many mentions he'd get a day, but he was grateful to each and every person who took a minute out of their busy days to think of him. A few minutes in he felt his eyes start to fade so he shut his phone off and placed it on the nightstand. Closing his eyes he settled into sleep.


Opening the door to a little coffee shop he had heard about from a friend of his, he walked in hearing the friendly chime of a bell on top of the door. It was the first time was stepping in this place since the suggestion and he could already tell this would probably become a place he wouldn't be opposed to frequent in the future.

The smells and the atmosphere upon first glance was inviting and immediately brought warmth to him. At this time of day the shop was busy with customers everywhere from the quaint dining area to the counter in the middle of the shop placing their orders or waiting for it.

As he walked up to the counter he noticed a girl behind it that intrigued him instantly. She was extremely short upon his first assessment and had chocolate colored hair piled on top of her head in a topknot. Once it was his turn to order he was taken aback when she looked up at him. Hazel eyes, an oval face with a high forehead, and lots of light freckles dusted over her makeup-less face; she wasn't drop dead gorgeous and didn't look like anyone he had ever dated in the past, yet when he made eye contact with her he got the feeling she was kind-hearted and a good person. She smiled at him.

"Can I help you sir?" she asked.

"Yes please. A medium Americano. Black," he smiled back at her.

"Coming right up," her smiled grew wider and she turned away from him to make his drink. Within a few moments she turned back around and placed a styrofoam cup in front of him on the counter. "Would you like anything else? Pastry maybe?" she asked kindly as she ran up the coffee.

He shook his head. "No, no thank you."

"Alright. That will be be three pounds then," she said and he gave her the cash and also left a tip in the jar in front of the register.

"Thank you," he said with a smile. She smiled back.

Turning around he began walking away from the counter with coffee in hand but not before sneakily turning his head to look at her again from a side glance.

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